European Chamber Meets with Hainan Vice Governor Chen Huaiyu

2024-05-13 | Shanghai

Carlo D’Andrea, vice president of the European Chamber and chair of the Shanghai Board, and Steven Basart, general manager of the European Chamber's Shanghai Chapter, welcomed the delegation. D’Andrea provided an overview of the European Chamber, highlighted findings from the Chamber's recently released Business Confidence Survey 2024 key findings and shared pressing industry issues with the vice governor aiming to see greater reform in the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP).

Vice Governor Chen thanked the Chamber for hosting his delegation and introduced the current policies in Hainan FTP. Advisory Council and Desk representatives joined the meeting and raised specific topics from the banking, cosmetics, agriculture, pharmaceutical, fashion and medical devices sectors that have been identified by members doing business in Hainan. The vice governor addressed the concerns and stressed the importance of continued market opening for European businesses in Hainan.