Local News

2020-01-17 > All chapters

Seminar on EU- China Win-Win Aeronautical Cooperation & Tour to Airbus and Sinelson Aero

On 17th January, Aviation & Aerospace working group held a seminar on EU – China win-win Cooperation Seminar in Airbus (Tianjin). The attendees also visited Airbus Final Assembly Lines and Senelson Aero (Tianjin) workshop.

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2013-08-26 > All chapters

China’s New Exit-Entry Administration Law

China’s new Exit-Entry Administration Law (“Law”) has become effective as of July 1st, 2013. The new law introduces harsher punishments for foreigners violating the Law as well as stronger possibilities to enforce the regulations.

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2013-04-23 > Tianjin

Tianjin Board Election 2013/2014

On 15th April, the final voting of Tianjin Board Election 2013/2014 was done by email, congratulations to the newly-elected Board of the European Chamber Tianjin Chapter.

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2013-04-18 > Tianjin

Business with Finland Lunch, 9 April

Mr. Alex Gu, the PiC of Turku, Finland office in Tianjin attended a high-level lunch meeting in honor of the visit of the President of the Republic of Finland, H.E. Mr. Sauli Niinistö on 9 April in Beijing. This event focus on the many opportunities of doing business with Finland and provide an opportunity to discuss Finland as an investment destination while highlighting the key benefits of Finland and Finnish companies as partners for business.

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2006-10-01 > All chapters

Secretary General Talks about China's WTO Partnership on CCTV French Channel

As Secretary General of the European Chamber, Giorgio Magistrlli talked about China's WTO Partnership on CCTV French Channel's "Rencontres" programme.

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2006-07-01 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke Talks about Business China with OECD Observer

China has dominated policy and business thinking since the start of the century. Much has been written about its economic transformation and governance, about its huge business potential, and more recently about its influence as a major player in the wider world economy. But what is it actually like to do business there? Joerg Wuttke is vice-president of the European Chamber of Commerce in China and has been doing business there for 16 years. OECD Observer asked Mr Wuttke for some personal insights.

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2006-02-27 > All chapters

EGM of the European Chamber Talks about EU Economy in 2006 on CCTV9

on 27th February 2006, the Executive General Manager of the European Chamber Giorgio Magistrelli talked about "EU Economy in 2006" on CCTV9's Dialogue programme.

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