'Work with us China, not against us', urge European businesses Go back »

2010-09-10 | All chapters

'Work with us China, not against us', urge European business
Peter Foster, Daily Telegragh, 2nd September 2010

"If foreign businesses have more market access, it is obvious that they will increase their investment in China for the benefit of China," said Jacques de Boisseson, president of the European Chamber of Commerce in China, speaking on Thursday.

"In a word we can help, we want to help and we say to the Chinese government: 'Let us help'. But for that we need to be able to play in the market and this is what we are asking for – a level playing field which is open, fair, non-discriminatory and transparent."

Mr de Boisseson made his plea for a fairer deal from China as he launched a 650-page report detailing the protectionist hurdles that still impede foreign businesses nearly 10 years after China's accession to the World Trade Organisation.

Baroness Ashton, the European Union's foreign policy chief, pointed to the report when she met Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, in Beijing on Thursday, urging him to create a better investment environment for European businesses.

The Chamber's annual China Position Paper comes after surveys this year by both the EU and American business groups that have revealed growing discontent at the way they are treated in China and a widespread belief that business conditions have deteriorated over the past two years. T

he paper found that China was shutting out foreign businesses by flouting WTO rules, employing spurious red tape and regulations while still largely barring foreign companies from government procurement contracts, a key part of China's state-controlled economy.

The growing sense that China is backsliding on pledges to open its markets to foreign business – echoed in recent months by the chief executives of some of the world's largest companies – has seen rising popular and political pressure in Brussels and Washington for a tougher line on trade with China.

According to an international index of market openness produced by the OECD, China remains one of the most excessively regulated markets in the world, lagging behind its emerging-market rivals Brazil and India.

However, Mr de Boisseson said that WTO lawsuits and tit-for-tat trade sanctions were not the solution to reducing trade tensions and addressing the massive global imbalances represented by China's foreign-exchange reserves and continuing reliance on exports.

European businesses were responsible for about 40pc of all technology transfers to China, he added, even though less than 3pc of all European outbound investment went to China, leaving huge room for growth with China, particularly in the services sectors such as travel, entertainment and financial services.

Embracing – not rejecting – the investment and know-how offered by European businesses would be essential for China to meet its goals of rebalancing its economy by weaning itself off exports and creating a consumer-economy at home, he said.

"It is in China's interests to work with us, not against us," Mr de Boisseson concluded. "Creating a level-playing field for foreign business will help to bring China to the more balanced growth model it is seeking and that is what this position paper is all about."