Member Directory

Expand commercial relations in China;assist the company and its affiliated companies in developing business in China

  • Spain
  • 250 - 1000
  • SME
Beijing > Medical Equipment

MedTech Europe

MedTech Europe is the European trade association for the medical technology industry including diagnostics, medical devices and digital health. Our mission is to make innovative medical technology available...

  • Belgium
  • Not specified
  • Associations
Nanjing > Automotive Components and Technologies

Nanjing TATA Autocomp Systems

南京塔塔汽车零部件系统有限公司(NTACO)是由塔塔汽车零部件公司(TACO)于 2007 年 1 月在南京
江宁经济技术开发区投资成立的独资企业, 投资总额为 2140 万美元。 公司于 2008 年正式投产,50%业
TS16949 质量体系认证、 OHSAS18001 职业健康安全管理体系认证,以及...

  • 250 - 1000
  • SME
Beijing > Food and Beverage

Plattform Agrarexport

Platform for agricultural export

  • Switzerland
  • Not specified
  • SME

QSI International School of Shenyang is a nonprofit institution that opened August 2012. The school offers students a high-quality education in the English language from ages 3 through 18.

  • Slovenia
  • 250 - 1000
  • SME
Beijing > Consulates

Royal Danish Embassy


  • Denmark
  • Not specified
  • Embassy / Consulate
Beijing > Government Agency/Trade Promotion

Royal Netherlands Embassy


  • Netherlands
  • Not specified
  • Embassy / Consulate


  • Norway
  • Not specified
  • Embassy / Consulate

SAES Getters (Nanjing) Co. Ltd. provides sales and servicing activities for all products of the SAES Group. These products include Evaporable and Non Evaporable getters, Dryers, Metal Sources, Shape Memory...

  • Italy
  • 250 - 1000
  • SME
Beijing > Business Service


Expert consulting and lobbying services for international businesses operating in China. With a substantial team of local government professionals located in every province of China, we can significantly...

  • Czech Republic
  • Not specified
  • SME