Member Directory

Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial...

  • United Kingdom
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial...

  • United Kingdom
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

DS AVOCATS is a European Law firm based in Paris, Lille and Bordeaux,Lyon, Barcelona, Brussels, Milan, Buenos Aires, Quebec and Montreal. From 1986, DS has been providing legal services (company law,...

  • France
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

ERM is a leading global provider of environmental, health, safety, risk, and social consulting services.

  • United Kingdom
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

Eurasia Holdings International Corporation Limited (Shenyang World Trade Center) as an effective contact of the World Trade Center Association's global business network, is committed to becoming one of...

  • Hong Kong, China
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

Based in Brussels, ACEA is the organization representing the interests and the views of 18 major European vehicle manufacturers. ACEA Beijing, est.2004, is an active interlocutor of the Chinese authorities...

  • Belgium
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations
Beijing > Government Agency/Trade Promotion

European Chamber

As the independent voice of European business in China, we seek greater market access and improved operating conditions for European companies.

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • Chamber

FERRANTE Intellectual Property is a full practice intellectual property firm with established offices in South-East Asia, providing comprehensive legal services on all aspects of trademarks, designs, patents,...

  • Italy
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

GK Dragonomics provides in-depth research on the economic, political and social developments driving the world's fastest growing major economy, China.

  • Hong Kong, China
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

GG Group has more than 75 years history in cables, wires and harness manufacture. GG Shenyang plant produces copper and aluminum battery harnesses. We are committed to providing professional and high-quality...

  • Austria
  • 1 - 250
  • SME