Member Directory

AFCONA Polymers is a well establish coating and specialities additives supplier worldwide with main operation and manufacturing based in China. We believe in structuring our business accordance with sustainable...

  • Netherlands
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC
Southwest China > Healthcare

Aier Clinica Baveria Eye Medical Group

Sichuan Eye Hospital carries out comprehensive ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment for not only local patients but also expatriates and are dedicated in caring in a uniquely warm, smooth, patient service-oriented...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

The Qi Group of companies began 10 years ago with the founding of International Smart Card, Our ecosystem is a group of companies that provide ancillary services or complimentary services that give the...

  • 1 - 250
  • SME

  • Belgium
  • Not specified
  • MNC

  • Belgium
  • Not specified
  • MNC

ANKER, a long-standing specialist in woven carpets, which can be found around the world in countless office buildings, hotels and numerous public buildings. ANKER sets benchmarks industry-wide in terms...

  • Germany
  • Not specified
  • SME
Nanjing > Hotel

Ansgar Schlemmer


  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC

As a components and system supplier ARGO-HYTOS is an essential part in the supply chain of the world market leaders when it comes to mobile working machinery and mechanical engineering. We offer customer-oriented...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC
Southwest China > Construction Materials


Founded in Helsinki in 1935 to sell furniture and to promote a modern culture of living by exhibitions and other educational means, Artek today remains an innovative player in the world of modern design,...

  • Finland
  • Not specified
  • SME