Member Directory

弗兰德传动系统有限公司一直专注于齿轮箱的研制、开发和规模化生产,产品涵盖工业齿轮箱、风能齿轮箱、联轴器等,是世界领先的机械传动设备生产商。公司坐落于天津北辰经济技术开发区内,占地25.5万平方米, 在全国范围内设有20家分公司。弗兰德另外一个品牌是威能极,是世界领先的风机驱动链部件生产商。迄今为止已向世界各地提供超过175GW装机容量的齿轮箱。

  • Germany
  • 250 - 1000
  • MNC

Develop and produce large-scale precision and various specialized steel and alloy bearing forgings for main engines, sell and provide relevant technical services, and manufacture forged blanks for automobiles....

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC
Shenyang > Manufacturing

GEA (Dalian Office)

  • Germany
  • 1000+
  • MNC

GEA is one of the world’s largest suppliers of systems and components to the dairy, food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. The international technology group, founded in 1881, focuses on machinery a...

  • Germany
  • 1000+
  • MNC

GEZE is one of the world's leading developers and manufacturers of construction systems for door, window and safety technology. GEZE offers a comprehensive range of products including automatic door systems...

  • Germany
  • 1000+
  • MNC

GG Group has more than 75 years history in cables, wires and harness manufacture. GG Shenyang plant produces copper and aluminum battery harnesses. We are committed to providing professional and high-quality...

  • Austria
  • 1 - 250
  • SME


  • United Kingdom
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC


  • Italy
  • 1000+
  • MNC
Shenyang > Energy

Harald Kumpfert

NECreat provides a full range of solutions and service reducing operating costs and energy consumption of customer’s facilities. The integration of process and HVAC energy systems and the application o...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • SME
Tianjin > Food and Beverage

Hard Rock Cafe Tianjin

Hard Rock Cafe originated from US is a chain restaurant brand. It is well known for its distinctive souvenir collections and in-store live band experience.
Hard Rock Cafe是一家美国连锁主题餐厅,中文名为“硬石餐厅”。Hard Rock是全球知名品牌,产业遍布全球各地。Hard Rock Cafe以具有收藏价值的时尚...

  • United States of America
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC