Member Directory

limoss is a Germany-based company specializing in the development, production and sales of smart home solutions. It was established in 2008 in Shenzhen. Main products include motor drives and supporting...

  • Germany
  • 250 - 1000
  • MNC

MLFNS-D is an accredited British Columbia Offshore school, providing education to foreigner's children. The aim of opening MLFNS-D was to provide a good environment attracting foreign investors operating...

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC
South China > Training

Martin Fleischer

Prof. Martin Fleischer is a full-time employee and the director of Sino-German Center for Higher Vocational Education Innovation of Shenzhen Polytechnic. He is committed to expanding the network among...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations


  • Germany
  • Not specified
  • MNC

The state-owned foreign trade promotion agency NRW.Global Business is the partner for all companies when it comes to investment projects and settling in North Rhine-Westphalia, developing growth markets...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • Council