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Develop and produce large-scale precision and various specialized steel and alloy bearing forgings for main engines, sell and provide relevant technical services, and manufacture forged blanks for automobiles....

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC

Huebschmann Zhan SY Industrie Vertretung Co.,Ltd was set up in 2017, located in Sino-German Industry Park, Shenyang. As a joint venture company, it follows German Huebschmann Group’s step, Huebschmann G...

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC


  • United States of America
  • 250 - 1000
  • MNC

MLFNS-D is an accredited British Columbia Offshore school, providing education to foreigner's children. The aim of opening MLFNS-D was to provide a good environment attracting foreign investors operating...

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC
Shandong > Computer/Technology/IT

SAP (China) Co., Ltd. Shandong Branch

  • Germany
  • Not specified
  • MNC


  • Germany
  • Not specified
  • MNC


  • Germany
  • Not specified
  • MNC
Shenyang > Conference/Exhibition

Shenyang New World EXPO

Shenyang New World EXPO ("EXPO") proudly opened in March 2017. EXPO sits on the north shore of the beautiful Hun River & on the Golden Corridor adjacent to Shenyang' CBD. With 24,000 sqm of gross exhibition...

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC