Member Directory

Offer corporate lending, trade finance, settlement services etc. to European-invested companies operating in China, and also Chinese corporate companies having close business relationship with Europe....

  • Italy
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC

Outdoor modular building facilities are more used for luxury accommodation in campsites, holiday houses, and scenic spots.

  • Cyprus
  • 1 - 250
  • SME
Shanghai > Human Resources

Olivier Stauff


  • France
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

Omya is a leading global producer of industrial minerals – mainly derived from calcium carbonate, dolomite and perlite – and a worldwide distributor of specialty chemicals.

  • Switzerland
  • 1000+
  • MNC

De'Longhi Group has significant business operations in China: Head Office in HK (for global sourcing & supply); Wholly-owned factories in Dongguan & Zhongshan (for kitchen & heating appliances); JV factories...

  • Italy
  • 1000+
  • MNC

Accounting, tax&business, IIT&HR, administrative advisory and management services for corporations (from establishment to liquidation of Companies, Representative Offices, Joint Ventures) and individuals...

  • Italy
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

在中国内地和香港提供商业设立服务-设立有限责任公司,合资公司或设立代表处-以及公司成立后秘书性服务,包括税款计划编制, 业务场所服务,公司结构,会计帐簿和记录的维护,人力资源管理,及申请业务解散和中止的相关手续的办理。

  • Italy
  • 1 - 250
  • SME
Shanghai > Pharmaceuticals


欧加隆是一家全球化的医疗健康公司,专注于女性健康领域,总部设在美国新泽西州泽西市,全球约有 9,000 名员工。秉承我们“因 她而来”的价值主张,在全球提供超过 60 种药物和医疗解决方案的产品组合,覆盖一系列关键疾病治疗领域。中国作为欧加隆全球第2大市场,拥有约1,500名员工,负责23个产品,涵盖7个治疗领域。欧加隆中国设立5个办公室,总部位于上海。

  • United States of America
  • 1000+
  • MNC

Founded in 1967 by two brothers in Sweden,Oriflame now is an international beauty company selling direct in 64 countries worldwide.Its wide portfolio of Swedish,natural,innovative beauty products are marketed...

  • Sweden
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC

At Ormazabal we work in order to transform the electrical grid into an infrastructure for the future: more reliable, resilient and sustainable. We design and manufacture solutions aimed at digitalizing...

  • Spain
  • 1000+
  • MNC