Member Directory

The state-owned foreign trade promotion agency NRW.Global Business is the partner for all companies when it comes to investment projects and settling in North Rhine-Westphalia, developing growth markets...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • Council

The state-owned NRW.INVEST GmbH, based in Düsseldorf, Germany, provides free counseling on investment in the German State NRW to Chinese enterprises. Each highly-qualified enterprise will be awarded a ...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • Chamber

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency helps investors to enter the Polish market and find the best ways to utilise the possibilities available to them. We guide investors through administrative and legal...

  • Poland
  • 1 - 250
  • Government Agencies

We maintain the good relations between Bavaria and China, especially the political partnership between Bavaria and Shandong as well as Guangdong province.
We promote the cooperations between Bavarian...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations

  • Singapore
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations

TIC Council is an international non-profit association acting as the voice of the testing, inspection and certification industry. TIC Council brings together over 100 member companies and organisations...

  • Belgium
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations

TÜV莱茵 – 众多检测、检验、认证服务的先行者。成为全球最佳检测、检验、认证、咨询与培训技术服务提供者,可持续且独立。德国传统,服务全球。56个国家和地区,超过500个分支机构,获得800个授权机构认可,227个实验室,获得80个国家资质认可,提供当地市场准入服务。

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations