Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information Go back »

2008-06-13 | All chapters

Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information

Order of the State Council (No.492)

The Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information, which were adopted at the 165th executive meeting of the State Council on January 17th, 2007, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of May 1st, 2008.

Premier Wen Jiabao
April 5th, 2007

Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information

Chapter I General Rules

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated for the purpose of safeguarding the legal access to government information by citizens, legal persons and other organizations, improving the transparency of government work, promoting the administration according to law and giving full play to the role of government information of serving the people’s production, living and social and economic activities.

Article 2 The term “government information” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the information produced or acquired and recorded or kept in certain forms by administrative organs in the process of performing their duties.

Article 3 The people’s governments at various levels shall make more efforts in organizing and leading government information disclosure work.

The General Office of the State Council is the competent department of the government information disclosure work of the whole nation and is responsible for promoting, guiding, coordinating and supervising the government information disclosure work of the whole nation.

The general office of the people’s government at or above the county level or any other competent department in charge of government information disclosure work appointed by the people’s government at or above the county level shall be responsible for promoting, guiding, coordinating and supervising the government information disclosure work of this region of administration.

Article 4 The people’s governments at various levels and the departments of the people’s governments at or above the county level shall establish and improve a government information disclosure working system of their respective administrative organ, and appoint an institution (hereinafter referred to as working institution of government information disclosure) to be responsible for the daily work of government information disclosure of their respective administrative organ.

The specific duties of the working institution of government information disclosure of an administrative organ shall be:
(1) Undertaking specific government information disclosure issues of this administrative organ;
(2) Maintaining and updating the government information disclosed by this administrative organ;
(3) Organizing the compilation of this administrative organ’s directory for government information disclosure, catalogue of government information disclosure and annual report on government information disclosure work;
(4) Conducting confidentiality review on the government information to be disclosed;
(5) Other duties related to government information disclosure as prescribed by this administrative organ.

Article 5 An administrative organ shall follow the principles of impartiality, justice and bringing convenience to the people when disclosing government information.

Article 6 An administrative organ shall disclose government information in a timely and accurate manner. Where any administrative organ finds out any false or incomplete information that has affected or may affect social stability or has disturbed or may disturb social management order, it shall disclose the corresponding accurate government information within its scope of duties to clarify.

Article 7 An administrative organ shall establish and improve a coordination mechanism for government information disclosure. In case the disclosure of government information concerns any other administrative organ, it shall communicate with the relevant administrative organ for confirmation to make sure that the government information to be disclosed is accurate and consistent.

In case an approval is needed for the disclosure of government information by an administrative organ as required by the relevant state provisions, no information may be disclosed without approval.

Article 8 No administrative organ may endanger national security, public security, economic security or social stability when disclosing government information.

Chapter II Scope of Information to Be Disclosed

Article 9 An administrative organ shall voluntarily disclose the government information satisfying any of the following basic requirements:
(1) Information concerning the vital interests of citizens, legal persons or other organizations;
(2) Information that should be widely known by the general public or concerns the participation of the general public;
(3) Information reflecting the structural establishment, duties, procedures for handling affairs and other situation of the administrative organ;
(4) Other information that shall be voluntarily disclosed by the administrative organ as prescribed by laws, regulations and the relevant state provisions.

Article 10 The people’s governments at or above the county level and their departments shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of these Provisions and within their respective scope of duties, determine the specific government information to be voluntarily disclosed and lay stress on the disclosure of the following government information:
(1) Administrative regulations, rules and normative documents;
(2) Development planning for national economy and social development, special planning, regional planning and the relevant policies;
(3) Statistical information on national economy and social development;
(4) Fiscal budget report and final report;
(5) Items, charging basis and charging rates of administrative fees;
(6) Catalogue of centralized government procurement items, standards and the implementation;
(7) Issues subject to administrative license, the corresponding basis, requirements, quantity, procedures, time limit and list of all the materials that shall be submitted for purposes of administrative license, and the progress of processing;
(8) Situation on the approval of great construction projects and the implementation;
(9) Polices and measures for relieving poverty, education, medical care, social security and promoting employment, etc., and their implementation;
(10) Emergency plans, early warning information and responding situation of unexpected public incidents;
(11) Situation on the supervision and inspection of environmental protection, public health, safe production, food and drugs and product quality.

Article 11 The government information of the people’s governments of the cities divided into districts, the county people’s governments and their departments, which is on top of the list for disclosure shall include the following contents:
(1) Major issues on urban and rural construction and administration;
(2) Situation on the construction of social public welfare establishments;
(3) Situation on the requisition or use of lands, demolition of houses and corresponding compensations, and the grant and use of subsidies;
(4) Situation on the management, use and distribution of funds for emergency and disasters, funds for giving special care to disabled servicemen and to family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen and funds contributed to the society.

Article 12 A village (town) people’s government shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of these Provisions and within its scope of duties, determine the specific government information to be voluntarily disclosed and lay stress on the disclosure of the following government information:
(1) The implementation of the relevant state policies regarding rural work;
(2) Government revenue and expenditure, and the management and use of various kinds of special funds;
(3) The overall planning of land utilization and the examination and approval of the utilization of house sites of the village (town);
(4) The requisition or use of lands, demolition of houses and corresponding compensations, and the grant and use of subsidies;
(5) Situation on creditor’s rights and debts, fund-raising and labor-input of the village (town);
(6) The grant of funds for emergency and disasters, funds for giving special case to disabled servicemen and to family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen and funds contributed to the society;
(7) The contracting, lease and auction activities conducted by township collective enterprises and other township economic entities;
(8) Situation on the implementation of family planning policies.

Article 13 Besides the government information voluntarily disclosed by administrative organs in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, 10, 11 and 12 of these Provisions, citizens, legal persons or other organizations may, in light of their special needs for production, living or scientific research, apply to the departments under the State Council, the local people’s governments at various levels and the departments of the local people’s government at or above the county level for accessing the relevant government information.

Article 14 An administrative organ shall establish and improve a confidentiality review mechanism of government information disclosure, and clarify the corresponding procedures and duties.

An administrative organ shall, before making government information disclosure, examine the government information to be disclosed in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Keeping State Secrets and other laws, regulations and relevant state provisions.

Where an administrative organ is not certain whether certain government information may be disclosed, it shall report to the relevant competent department or the department in charge of confidentiality work of the same level for determination in accordance with laws, regulations and the relevant state provisions.

No administrative organ may disclose any government information involving state secrets, commercial secrets or individual privacy. But in case the obligee approves or the administrative organ believes that the failure to disclose such information would result in great influence on public interests, such government information may be disclosed.

Chapter III Forms and Procedures

Article 15 An administrative organ shall disclose the government information that shall be voluntarily disclosed through government bulletins, government websites, news releases, newspapers and periodicals, broadcasting, television or any other means easy for the general public to access.

Article 16 The people’s governments at various levels shall set up a place for consulting government information at national archives and public libraries and equip with corresponding facilities and equipments to provide convenience for citizens, legal persons or other organizations to access government information.

An administrative organ may, in light of the actual needs, set up such places as public consulting room, place for demanding materials, information board and electronic information screen for government information disclosure.

An administrative organ shall provide the government information voluntarily disclosed by it to national archives and public libraries in a timely manner.

Article 17 Government information produced by an administrative organ shall be disclosed by the administrative organ; while government information acquired from any citizen, legal person or any other organization shall be disclosed by the administrative organ that keeps such information. Where it is otherwise prescribed by law or regulation on the power limit of government information disclosure, such provision shall prevail.

Article 18 Government information that shall be voluntarily disclosed by administrative organs shall be disclosed within 20 workdays since the day when such government information is formed or changed. Where it is otherwise stipulated by any law or regulation on the time limit for government information disclosure, such provision shall prevail.

Article 19 An administrative organ shall compile and publish a directory for government information disclosure and the catalogue of government information disclosure, and update them in a timely manner.

The directory for government information disclosure shall include the classification, arrangement system, and acquisition methods of government information, and the name, business address, office hours, telephone number, fax number and e-mail of the working institution of government information disclosure.

Catalogue of government information shall include the index, name, content summary, date of formation and other contents of government information.

Article 20 A citizen, legal person or any other organization shall apply to the administrative organ for acquiring government information in accordance with the provision of Article 13 of these Provisions in written form (including the form of data text); where it is really difficult for it/him to apply in written form, the applicant may apply orally, while the administrative organ accepting the oral application shall fill in the application form for government information disclosure on its/his behalf.

An application for government information disclosure shall include the following contents:
(1) Name and contact information of the applicant;
(2) Description on the content of the government information applied to be disclosed;
(3) Requirement on the form of the government information applied to be disclosed.

Article 21 With regard to the government information applied to be disclosed, an administrative organ shall give different replies in light of the following circumstances:
(1) In case it is government information that shall be disclosed, notifying the applicant of the means and channels for accessing such government information;
(2) In case it is government information that shall not be disclosed, notifying the applicant of the fact and giving reasons;
(3) In case it shall not be disclosed by this administrative organ as prescribed by law or such government information does not exist, notifying the applicant of the fact, and if it is possible to determine the administrative organ entitled to disclose such information, notifying the applicant of the name and contact information of such administrative organ;
(4) In case the applied content is ambiguous, notifying the applicant to correct or supplement.

Article 22 In case the government information applied to be disclosed contains any content that should not be disclosed, but it is possible to distinguish such content from the government information, the administrative organ shall provide those allowed to be disclosed to the applicant.

Article 23 Where an administrative organ believes that the government information applied to be disclosed involves any business secret or individual privacy and that its disclosure may damage the legal rights and interests of a third party, the organ shall solicit the third party’s opinion in written form; if the third party disagrees with the disclosure, the organ may not disclose such information, unless it believes that failure to disclose such information would exert great influence on public interests, and under such circumstance, the organ shall notify the third party of the content of the government information to be disclosed and the corresponding reasons in written form.

Article 24 An administrative organ shall give a reply on an application for government information disclosure on the spot when possible.

Where it is impossible for the administrative organ to do so, it shall give a reply within 15 workdays since the day when the application is received; if it is necessary to extend the time limit for reply, it shall obtain the consent of the person in charge of the working institution of government information disclosure and notify the applicant of it. The time limit for rely may be extended for no more than 15 workdays.

Where the government information applied to be disclosed involves the rights and interests of a third party, the administrative organ shall solicit the third party’s opinion, and the time needed therefor shall not be counted into the time limit prescribed in Paragraph 2 of this Article.

Article 25 A citizen, legal person or any other organization applying to the administrative organ for providing the government information related to his/its tax payment, social security, medical care and health, etc., shall produce his/its valid identity certificate or evidentiary documents.

Where a citizen, legal person or any other organization has evidence to prove that the related government information provided by the administrative organ is inaccurate, he/it is entitled to request the administrative organ to correct. If the administrative organ has no right to correct such information, it shall transfer it to the administrative organ entitled to correct and notify the applicant of the situation.

Article 26 An administrative organ shall provide government information in the form required by the applicant; where it is impossible to do so, it may provide such information by arranging the applicant to consult the relevant materials, providing photocopies or in any other appropriate form.

Article 27 An administrative organ may, when providing government information as applied, only collect the costs for retrieval, replication and mailing, etc., and may not charge any other fee. No administrative organ may provide government information in the form of paid service through any other organization or individual.

The charging rates for collecting the costs for retrieval, replication and mailing, etc., shall be formulated by the competent department of price of the State Council together with the department of finance of the State Council.

Article 28 In case a citizen applying for government information disclosure is really in economic hardship, upon the application of the citizen himself and the approval of the person in charge of the working institution of government information disclosure, the relevant expenses may be deducted or exempted.

Where a citizen applying for government information disclosure has any difficulty in reading, seeing or hearing, the administrative organ shall provide necessary help for him.

Chapter IV Supervision and Safeguard

Article 29 The people’s governments at various levels shall establish and improve an evaluation system, a social appraisal system and a responsibility system of government information disclosure work to evaluate and appraise the government information disclosure work on a regular basis.

Article 30 The competent department and supervisory organ of government information disclosure shall be responsible for supervising and examining the government information disclosure work conducted by administrative organs.

Article 31 The administrative organs at various levels shall disclose their respective annual report on government information disclosure work before March 31st of every year.

Article 32 The annual report on government information disclosure work of an administrative organ shall include the following contents:
(1) Its voluntary disclosure of government information;
(2) Its disclosure of government information upon application and its refusal to disclose government information;
(3) Its charging fees for government information disclosure and the deduction and exemption of the relevant fees;
(4) Applications for administrative reconsideration or binging administrative lawsuits for government information disclosure;
(5) The major problems existing in government information disclosure work and their improvement;
(6) Other issues to be reported as required.

Article 33 Where any citizen, legal person or any other organization believes that an administrative organ fails to fulfill its obligation of government information disclosure according to law, he/it may inform the superior administrative organ, supervisory organ or the competent department of government information disclosure. The informed organ shall investigate and handle it according to law.

Where any citizen, legal person or any other organization believes that a specific administrative act committed by an administrative organ in carrying out government information disclosure work has infringed upon his/its legal rights and interests, he/it may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit according to law.

Article 34 Where any administrative organ fails to establish and improve a confidentiality review mechanism of government information disclosure as required by these Provisions, the supervisory organ or the administrative organ at the next higher level shall order it to correct and impose a penalty upon the person-in-charge of the administrative organ in case the circumstance is serious.

Article 35 Where an administrative organ violates these Provisions and falls under any of the following circumstances, the supervisory organ or the administrative organ at the next higher level shall order it to correct and, in case the circumstance is serious, impose a penalty upon the directly liable person-in-charge and other persons directly liable of the administrative organ according to law, and where a crime is constituted, the relevant personnel shall be subject to criminal liabilities:
(1) Failing to fulfill the obligation of disclosing government information according to law;
(2) Failing to update the contents of disclosed government information, directory for government information disclosure and catalogue of government information disclosure in a timely manner;
(3) Charging fees by violating the relevant provisions;
(4) Providing government information in the form of paid services through any other organization or individual;
(5) Disclosing the government information that should not be disclosed;
(6) Other behaviors going against these Provisions.

Chapter V Supplementary Rules

Article 36 These Provisions apply to the government information disclosure activities conducted by organizations which are authorized by law and regulation and have the function of administering public affaris.

Article 37 The disclosure of the information produced or acquired by the public enterprises and institutions in the field of education, medical care and health, family planning, supply of water, power, air and heat, environmental protection, public traffic or any other field closely related to the people’s interests shall be governed by these Provisions by analogy, and the specific measures shall be formulated by the relevant competent departments or institutions of the State Council.

Article 38 These Provisions shall come into force as of May 1st, 2008.







  总 理  温家宝




  第一章 总  则

  第一条 为了保障公民、法人和其他组织依法获取政府信息,提高政府工作的透明度,促进依法行政,充分发挥政府信息对人民群众生产、生活和经济社会活动的服务作用,制定本条例。

  第二条 本条例所称政府信息,是指行政机关在履行职责过程中制作或者获取的,以一定形式记录、保存的信息。

  第三条 各级人民政府应当加强对政府信息公开工作的组织领导。



  第四条 各级人民政府及县级以上人民政府部门应当建立健全本行政机关的政府信息公开工作制度,并指定机构(以下统称政府信息公开工作机构)负责本行政机关政府信息公开的日常工作。







  第五条 行政机关公开政府信息,应当遵循公正、公平、便民的原则。

  第六条 行政机关应当及时、准确地公开政府信息。行政机关发现影响或者可能影响社会稳定、扰乱社会管理秩序的虚假或者不完整信息的,应当在其职责范围内发布准确的政府信息予以澄清。

  第七条 行政机关应当建立健全政府信息发布协调机制。行政机关发布政府信息涉及其他行政机关的,应当与有关行政机关进行沟通、确认,保证行政机关发布的政府信息准确一致。


  第八条 行政机关公开政府信息,不得危及国家安全、公共安全、经济安全和社会稳定。

  第二章 公开的范围

  第九条 行政机关对符合下列基本要求之一的政府信息应当主动公开:





  第十条 县级以上各级人民政府及其部门应当依照本条例第九条的规定,在各自职责范围内确定主动公开的政府信息的具体内容,并重点公开下列政府信息:












  第十一条 设区的市级人民政府、县级人民政府及其部门重点公开的政府信息还应当包括下列内容:





  第十二条 乡(镇)人民政府应当依照本条例第九条的规定,在其职责范围内确定主动公开的政府信息的具体内容,并重点公开下列政府信息:









  第十三条 除本条例第九条、第十条、第十一条、第十二条规定的行政机关主动公开的政府信息外,公民、法人或者其他组织还可以根据自身生产、生活、科研等特殊需要,向国务院部门、地方各级人民政府及县级以上地方人民政府部门申请获取相关政府信息。

  第十四条 行政机关应当建立健全政府信息发布保密审查机制,明确审查的程序和责任。




  第三章 公开的方式和程序

  第十五条 行政机关应当将主动公开的政府信息,通过政府公报、政府网站、新闻发布会以及报刊、广播、电视等便于公众知晓的方式公开。

  第十六条 各级人民政府应当在国家档案馆、公共图书馆设置政府信息查阅场所,并配备相应的设施、设备,为公民、法人或者其他组织获取政府信息提供便利。



  第十七条 行政机关制作的政府信息,由制作该政府信息的行政机关负责公开;行政机关从公民、法人或者其他组织获取的政府信息,由保存该政府信息的行政机关负责公开。法律、法规对政府信息公开的权限另有规定的,从其规定。

  第十八条 属于主动公开范围的政府信息,应当自该政府信息形成或者变更之日起20个工作日内予以公开。法律、法规对政府信息公开的期限另有规定的,从其规定。

  第十九条 行政机关应当编制、公布政府信息公开指南和政府信息公开目录,并及时更新。



  第二十条 公民、法人或者其他组织依照本条例第十三条规定向行政机关申请获取政府信息的,应当采用书面形式(包括数据电文形式);采用书面形式确有困难的,申请人可以口头提出,由受理该申请的行政机关代为填写政府信息公开申请。





  第二十一条 对申请公开的政府信息,行政机关根据下列情况分别作出答复:





  第二十二条 申请公开的政府信息中含有不应当公开的内容,但是能够作区分处理的,行政机关应当向申请人提供可以公开的信息内容。

  第二十三条 行政机关认为申请公开的政府信息涉及商业秘密、个人隐私,公开后可能损害第三方合法权益的,应当书面征求第三方的意见;第 三方不同意公开的,不得公开。但是,行政机关认为不公开可能对公共利益造成重大影响的,应当予以公开,并将决定公开的政府信息内容和理由书面通知第三方。

  第二十四条 行政机关收到政府信息公开申请,能够当场答复的,应当当场予以答复。



  第二十五条 公民、法人或者其他组织向行政机关申请提供与其自身相关的税费缴纳、社会保障、医疗卫生等政府信息的,应当出示有效身份证件或者证明文件。


  第二十六条 行政机关依申请公开政府信息,应当按照申请人要求的形式予以提供;无法按照申请人要求的形式提供的,可以通过安排申请人查阅相关资料、提供复制件或者其他适当形式提供。

  第二十七条 行政机关依申请提供政府信息,除可以收取检索、复制、邮寄等成本费用外,不得收取其他费用。行政机关不得通过其他组织、个人以有偿服务方式提供政府信息。


  第二十八条 申请公开政府信息的公民确有经济困难的,经本人申请、政府信息公开工作机构负责人审核同意,可以减免相关费用。


  第四章 监督和保障

  第二十九条 各级人民政府应当建立健全政府信息公开工作考核制度、社会评议制度和责任追究制度,定期对政府信息公开工作进行考核、评议。

  第三十条 政府信息公开工作主管部门和监察机关负责对行政机关政府信息公开的实施情况进行监督检查。

  第三十一条 各级行政机关应当在每年3月31日前公布本行政机关的政府信息公开工作年度报告。

  第三十二条 政府信息公开工作年度报告应当包括下列内容:







  第三十三条 公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政机关不依法履行政府信息公开义务的,可以向上级行政机关、监察机关或者政府信息公开工作主管部门举报。收到举报的机关应当予以调查处理。


  第三十四条 行政机关违反本条例的规定,未建立健全政府信息发布保密审查机制的,由监察机关、上一级行政机关责令改正;情节严重的,对行政机关主要负责人依法给予处分。

  第三十五条 行政机关违反本条例的规定,有下列情形之一的,由监察机关、上一级行政机关责令改正;情节严重的,对行政机关直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:







  第五章 附  则

  第三十六条 法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织公开政府信息的活动,适用本条例。

  第三十七条 教育、医疗卫生、计划生育、供水、供电、供气、供热、环保、公共交通等与人民群众利益密切相关的公共企事业单位在提供社会公共服务过程中制作、获取的信息的公开,参照本条例执行,具体办法由国务院有关主管部门或者机构制定。

  第三十八条 本条例自2008年5月1日起施行。