CSR & Environment -- Weekly News Update -- 21 Nov to 27 Nov Go back »

2009-12-03 | All chapters

Government/Policy Update




Nov 27

MOF: China Possessed with World’s Largest Construction Scale of Nuclear Power

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Nov 27

MEP: Basic Approach Came into Shape for the National Environmental Protection of the 12th 5-year Plan

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Nov 21

MOHURD: The 1st World Conference on Low-carbon and Eco-economy Held in Jiangxi

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Nov 20

MEP: Call for Comments on <Standards on Clean Production in Restaurant Industry>

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Nov 20

MEP: Notice on the <Standards on Clean Production of Wet Lead Refining>

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Nov 20

MEP: Call for Comments on National Standards of <Technical Guidance on Environmental Impact Assessment of Urban Master Planning >

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Nov 20

MEP: Notice on the Release of <Guidance on Environment Informationalization Standards>

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Nov 20

MOF: China Registration of CDM Projects and Annual CERs Top as No.1 in the World

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News Clipping




Nov 27

ChinaCSR: Sichuan Forest Carbon Sink Project Successfully Registered At UNFCCC

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Nov 27

FTChinese: China goal on carbon intensity raises hope for Copenhagen talks

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Nov 27

WSJ: IEA: U.S. and China’s carbon-reduction plans set a milestone in climate negotiations

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Nov 26

WSJ: HSBC: The amount of environmental investment under China's stimulus package ranked world No. 1

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Nov 26

WSJ: China accused EU failured to fulfill emission reduction commitments

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Nov 26

21cbh: EU will listen to China’s climate strategy during the EU-China Summit

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Nov 26

ChinaEconomicReview: China criticizes Europe on climate change

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Nov 26

SynTao: New Norway power plant uses salt to make electricity

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Nov 26

SynTao: Report Maps the Attitudes and Influence of Stakeholders on Corporate Social Responsibility

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Nov 26

Reuters: China's Wen to go to Copenhagen climate talks

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Nov 26

ChinaDaily: Substantial climate deal sought after

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Nov 25

ChinaCSR: Red Cross Sets Up New Fund In Beijing

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Nov 25

Xinhua: Key negotiator vows "constructive" contribution at climate summit, refuses "empty" declaration

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Nov 25

SynTao: CDP China Report 2009 Launched in Beijing

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Nov 25

SynTao: The Beverage Industry Distributes Awards of Social Responsibility

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Nov 24

ChinaDaily: Debate on overcapacity blows up in China's wind power sector

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Nov 24

SynTao: Huston will make efforts to push the development of electric cars

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Nov 24

SynTao: Corporations are Failing to Recognize Adaptation in Their Climate Change Strategy

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Nov 24

SynTao: Shanghai banking industry strengthen the Corporate Social Responsibility

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Nov 24

SynTao: IBM cooperates with ENN Group to develop Low Carbon Economy

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Nov 24

ChinaEconomicReview: LDK Solar posts surprise Q3 profit

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Nov 23

FTChinese: Europe looking to lead green revolution

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Nov 23

SynTao: Guangdong Starts the Pilot Program of Low Carbon Economy

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Nov 23

SynTao: Jiangxi Puts Ample Reward on Pollutant Emission Reduction

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Nov 23

SynTao: Overseas Chinese-funded Enterprises Have Been Taken on More Social Responsibility

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Nov 20

CSR China: GE Signs Clean Technology Agreements In China

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Nov 20

SynTao: Guangdong will Rate Enterprises’ Environment Credit:No loan for Serious Polluted Enterprises

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Nov 27

FTChinese: Look deeper into China’s goal of carbon reduction

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Nov 27

FTChinese: Top climate scientists share their outlook

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Nov 27

FTChinese: Mr Obama goes to Copenhagen

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Nov 27

ChinaEconomicReview: China and the all-green car

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Nov 26

ChinaEconomicReviwe: Sinovel Wind to establish Dalian Base

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Nov 26

21cbh: Interview with Deputy-Director of National Climate Center, CMA,: China selected a model with high standard

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Nov 20

ChinaDialogue: Putting innovation into reverse

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To know more about the CSR Working Group or EUCCC in General, please feel free to contact Mr. Tim Werkhoven (Shanghai) at twerkhoven@euccc.com.cn, or Ms. Maggie Xie (Beijing) at mxie@euccc.com.cn