Invitation from SEPB / SAES to support their Sustainable Development Guidelines (Shanghai) Go back »

2009-12-16 | Shanghai

European Chamber of Commerce
CSR Forum & Environment Group - Shanghai

Dear Members of the CSR forum and of the Environment Working Group in Shanghai,

Please find here:

1. The “Guidelines for Sustainable Development of Shanghai Enterprises” (30 pages)
2. 3 pager background info (3 pager)
3. Feedback form

All information can also be found on

The Guidelines are drafted by a Sustainable Development Working Group established under a project: ‘Shanghai Environmentally Friendly City Initiative’ , jointly developed by SEPB[1], CICETE[2], UNDP[3] and UNEP[4].

SAES[5] is leading the Sustainable Development Working Group.
During the last 3 months, SEPB / SAES invited the EU Chamber and their Environment WG members twice to their working group meetings. On 10th December, 2009, we attended a conference where the Guidelines were finally released.

Now, we are helping SAES to distribute the Guidelines amongst European Chamber. SAES’ intention is to have many companies formally supporting these Guidelines.
If you would like to participate, please send in your feedback form directly to SAES via the stated email address in the form. SAES is also very open and willing to answer all your questions directly. Just refer to the contact details in the form.

In our communication with SAES and SEPB, we learnt that:
    · In the feedback form, the English translation “respond” does not really cover the meaning. The Chinese version actually states: “My company would like to act / follow the Guidelines (…)”
    · The Guidelines are non binding and there is no mention of specific targets or deadlines
    · Publication of your company name (and logo) on their website is a possibility; send a soft copy as an attachment.
    · We have recommended SAES that their stated deadline of December is not feasible. We agreed to take stock end of January, 2010

European Chamber companies expressing their support to these Guidelines will be beneficial for building our relationship with government authorities in the field of environment.

We will invite representatives from the aforementioned governmental bodies to our Working Group meetings in the next year to discuss these Guidelines and also other issues of importance.

Please kindly keep the Business Manager Mr. Tim Werkhoven ( informed if you decide to sign up.

[1] SEPB: Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau
[2] CICETE: China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchange
[3] UNDP: United Nations Development Program
[4] UNEP: United Nations Environment Program
[5] SAES: Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences (one of the subordinate units of SEPB)