CSR & Environment -- Weekly News Update -- 09 Jan to 15 Jan Go back »

2010-01-16 | All chapters

Government/Policy Update




Jan 14

NDRC: Notice on Bidding for Research for Environment Protectional Policies and Measures

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Jan 12

MEP: Notice on the Promulgation of 14 National Standards for Environmental Protection

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Jan 12

MEP: Notice on 5 National Standards for Environmental Protection

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Jan 12

MEP:Call for Comments on < Technical Requirements and Methodologies for Continuous Online Monitoring Hexavalent Chrome in the Water (draft)>

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Jan 11

MEP: Notice on Promulgation of the Disposal and Pollution Control Technology Standards of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products

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Jan 11

MEP: Notice on the Promulgation of Code of Wastewater Categories and Other Standards

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Jan 11

MEP: Notice on the Promulgation of Technical Specifications for Environmental Protection Check & Acceptance Inspection for Completion of Highway Construction Projects

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Jan 11

NDRC Issued the Catalog on the 2nd Batch of National Key Energy-saving Products

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Jan 11

MEP: Notice on Investigating of Pollution Sources Dynamic Updating

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News Clipping




Jan 15

Xinhua: China to launch first national water conservancy survey

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Jan 15

Xinhua: China's social security fund managed assets reach 776.5 bln yuan

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Jan 15

SynTao: Pudong Development Bank Turns to Be the First Low Carbon Bank in Beijng

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Jan 15

SynTao: Communications Turn Totally Green

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Jan 14

SynTao: Wal-mart China Low-carbon Community Education Started up

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Jan 14

ChinaDaily: SOEs to be merged in 'green' move

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Jan 14

Reuters: China needs to cut use of chemical fertilizers: research

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Jan 14

WSJ: Nature Elements Capital is to set Private equity funds investing in clean energy

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Jan 14

ChinaCSR: Beijing Will Adopt More New Energy Vehicles

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Jan 14

ChinaDaily: China tightens corruption supervision

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Jan 13

Xinhua: CPC flexes muscles to combat corruption in "arduous" mission

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Jan 13

SynTao: Sino-British Low Carbon Project Launched in Jinan

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Jan 13

ChinaEconomicReview: NDRC scraps restrictions on foreign-made wind turbines

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Jan 13

EurActiv: EU trade chief-designate rejects carbon border tariffs

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Jan 13

ChinaDaily: Lead poison factory 'tipped off' about green checks

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Jan 12

SynTao: Food labels to show 'carbon footprint' under Government plans

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Jan 12

ChinaCSR: China Will Blacklist Quality Violators

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Jan 12

ChinaEconomicReview: Coal shortages force more power rationing

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Jan 12

SynTao: A Zhejiang pharmaceutical company dumped toxic waste into Anhui Province

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Jan 12

SynTao: Beijing Environment Exchange Initiated China Carbon Neutral Alliance

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Jan 12

EurActiv: Europe catches up on clean tech venture investment

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Jan 11

ChinaEconomicReview: ESolar to build 2,000 MW solar power plants in China

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Jan 11

ChinaCSR: China Establishes 16 National Energy R&D Centers

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Jan 11

ChinaCSR: Beijing To Increase Investment In Solar Power

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Jan 11

SEPB: Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau Exposes the Black List of 2009

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Jan 11

ShanghaiDaily: China established a coordinated system to prevent corrupt officials from fleeing the country

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Jan 10

Caijing: Controlling China's six million acres desert will promote the development of new energy

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Jan 10

Caijing: HAN Wenke: China sets no limitation on investment in new energy, energy saving and emission reduction

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Jan 9

Caijing: MIIT VM: Do not forget to save energy on traditional vehicles

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Jan 9

NYTimes: China tries a new tack to go solar

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Jan 13

Guardian: Last-minute agreement at Copenhagen marks turning point for the world

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Jan 12

Guardian: A fair comparison of CO2 emissions requires a more detailed analysis

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Jan 11

ChinaDaily: Low-carbon life still difficult for many Chinese

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Conference and Seminars




Jan 22

Detecting and Preventing Corporate Fraud

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Jan 27

COPENHAGEN: The Aftermath. What will be the impact of the COP15 Accord on European Businesses in China?

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