Name Change to Agriculture, Food & Beverage (AFB) WG Go back »

2010-04-01 | Beijing, Shanghai

At the March monthly Working Group meeting, members have reached consensus to change the WG name from Food & Beverage (F&B) to Agriculture, Food & Beverage (AFB) by taking into consideration of the following factors:

1/ to better reflect the actual participation of members from Agriculture business;
2/ to be more easily associated with concerned authorities such as Ministry of Agriculture;
3/ to address the growing agriculture-related issues under a more obvious WG name;
4/ to cover a broader spectrum so as to accommodate needs of potential members that might not fit into the conventional Food & Beverage category.


For further information about the Agriculture, Food & Beverage Working Group, or the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China in general, please contact Ms. Adele B Wang at