PBOC: Memorabilia of China Monetary Policies, 3rd Quarter 2008 Go back »

2008-11-21 | All chapters

PBOC: Memorabilia of China Monetary Policies, 3rd Quarter 2008


PBOC: Memorabilia of China Monetary Policies, 3rd Quarter 2008

SAFE, MOFCOM, CUSTOMS: Measures for the On-line Inspection of the Collection and Settlement of Foreign Exchange in Export 08/07/02

PBOC: Announcement [2008] No.12 Carrying out DVP (delivery versus payment) settlement in the inter-bank bond market 08/07/03

PBOC: 2nd Regular Meeting of Monetary Policy Commission 08/07/14

PBOC: Monetary Policy Conduct Report (Jan-June, 2008) to NPC 08/07/15

PBOC, MOF &MOHRSS: Notice on Further Improving the Administration of Small-sum Secured Loans and Boosting the “Promotion of Employment by Starting Business” 08/08/04

State Council: The Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration (Revised) 08/08/05

PBOC, CBRC, CIRC CSRC: Opinion on the Measures of Financial Support and Services to the Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction  08/08/06

PBOC: Executive Report of China Monetary Policy, 2nd Quarter 2008 08/08/15

SAFE: Approves business of domestic and foreign currency exchange in Beijing and Shanghai 08/08/20

PBOC: Lowers interest rate by 1%, except several nationalized banks 08/09/15


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