Government Updates

2024-06-26 > All chapters

EU Policy Intelligence and Advocacy

Updates by 24th June

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2021-12-01 > All chapters

GACC Overseas Manufacturers’ Registration of Imported Foods

The European Chamber has been supporting the communication between industry and GACC on the overseas manufacturers’ registration of imported foods. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Ing Wang at

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2021-11-24 > All chapters

Call for Comments: Regulations on Cyber Data Security Management (Draft for Comments)

If you would like to provide comments through the European Chamber, please contact Ms Ziting Zhang at

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2021-05-20 > All chapters

European Parliament Passes a Resolution Outlining Their Response to the 22nd March Chinese Counter-Sanctions

On 20th May, the European Parliament Plenary passed a resolution that condemned the Chinese sanctions imposed as a retaliation for the EU’s sanctions package.

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2021-05-05 > All chapters

Regulatory Proposal on an Instrument to Combat Distortive Subsidies by Third Countries

The European Commission published a regulatory proposal for an instrument to tackle distortive foreign subsidies. The instrument, which will be fully implemented by the European Commission, consists of three modules.

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2015-12-31 > Beijing

MOF: Call for Comments on <Basic Guidelines on Management Accounting>

国务院有关部委,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财务局,财政部驻各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政监察专员办事处,有关单位: 为贯彻落实《财政部关于全面推进管理会计体系建设的指导意见》,促进企业和行政事业单位加强管理会计工作,我们起草了《管理会计基本指引(征求意见稿)》。现印发给你们,请组织征求意见,并于2016年3月31日之前将书面意见反馈至我部会计司。

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2015-12-31 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on the National Standard <General Rules on Public Resources Trading Platform Services>

各有关单位: 由全国服务标准化技术委员会归口管理,蚌埠市招标局、合肥市招标局、安徽省标准化研究院、中国科技大学管理学院等单位研制起草的《公共资源交易平台服务 总则》国家标准(国家标准计划号:20141951-T-469)现已形成征求意见稿。按照《全国专业标准化技术委员会管理规定》相关要求,该标准将于即日起进行征求意见工作。请各位相关单位下载标准征求意见稿、标准编制说明和征求意见表,并于2016年2月1日前返回修改意见和建议,无返回意见的视为无意见。

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2015-12-28 > Beijing

NDRC: Call for Comments on <Administrative Measures on Capital Replenishment of Insurance Companies>


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2015-08-01 > Beijing

CIRC: Call for Comments on Revising <Administrative Measures on Insurance Companies Establishing Insurance Institutions Abroad>


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