Government Updates

2013-07-19 > All chapters

SAC: Notice on Releasing the Plan on Compiling and Amending 2013’s First Batch of National Standards


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2013-07-19 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on the Change in Nomination and Composition of Technical Committee on Animal Quarantine Deadline: 19 August, 2013

根据农业部办公厅的来函,拟对全国动物防疫标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC181)名称及工作范围进行调整。2003年,全国动物防疫标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC181)对口国际组织OIE(Office International Des Epizooties)正式更名为世界动物卫生组织(World Organization for Animal Health)。为了与国际接轨,同时为了提升支撑能力的需要,经研究,拟将“全国动物防疫标准化技术委员会”更名为“全国动物卫生标准化技术委员会”,工作范围调整为:动物疫病防控、动物产品卫生、动物卫生监督、动物临床诊疗、动物福利、兽医机构效能评估等动物卫生领域的技术标准化工作。

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2013-07-19 > All chapters

CFDA: Call for Comments on the <Regulations on the Management of Quality Supervision and Spot Check of Healthcare Equipment (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 5 August, 2013


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2013-07-18 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on <Technical Standards for Image Information Collection for Video Surveillance in Important Places for Social Security> and 2 Other National Standards Deadline: 25 July, 2013


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2013-07-18 > All chapters

MIIT: Issue the <Internet Access Service Specification>


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2013-07-16 > All chapters

SAWS: Notice on Further Enhancing the Management of Safety Training


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2013-07-16 > All chapters

SAWS: Call for Comments on <Universal Standards on Accident Investigation and Reporting in Industry and Distribution Sectors (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 26 July, 2013


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

MOT: Announcement on Releasing the Modified Characteristics of Large Container Ships’ Design Ship Size under the <Design Code of General Layout of Port (JTJ211-99)>


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

MOT: Announcement on Releasing the <Technical Specifications on the Maintenance of Port Facilities (JTS310-2013)>


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