Government Updates

2013-02-17 > All chapters

MIIT: Call for Comments for the <Technology Standard of Production Safety of Low-Carbon Aliphatic Amine> and Other 102 Industrial Standards


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

AQSIQ: Issue the <Inspection Standard of Manufacturing and Supervising the Pressure Pipe Units> and Other 5 Safety Technical Specifications of Special Equipment


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MIIT: Call for Comments for the <Terminology of the Electronic Measurement Instruments> and Other 15 National Standards of Electronic Industry


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2013-01-25 > All chapters

CSRC: Issue the <Coding Standard of Securities Investment Fund> and Other 3 Industrial Standards


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2013-01-25 > All chapters

SAC: Issue the <E-File Administration Terminology> and Other 4 National Standard Projects

为落实国家电子文件部际联席会议2012年重点工作的要求,进一步推进电子文件标准化工作,现将《电子文件管理 术语》等5项国家标准项目计划(见附件)下达你单位。

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2013-01-24 > All chapters

MOH: Call for Comments for the 53 Food Safety National Standards Including <General Standard of Food Flavoring Materials> (Draft for Comments) and 2 Food Safety National Standard Drafts for Revising

根据《食品安全法》及其实施条例的规定,我部组织制定了《食品用香料通则》等53项食品安全国家标准(征求意见稿)和《食品添加剂 二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)》等2项食品安全国家标准修改单。

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2013-01-24 > All chapters

MIIT: Issue the 4th Batch of Industrial Standard Revising Plan of 2012


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2013-01-24 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Issue 5 National Professional Techniques Standards Including Locks Repair


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