Government Updates

2013-11-05 > All chapters

MOHURD: Notice on the Issuance of the <Interim Regulations on the Report of General Urban Planning Subject to State Council Approval>


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2013-11-05 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on the Issuance of the Creditworthiness Assessment Rules for Highway Design Companies


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2013-11-05 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on Further Promotion of Domestic Trade


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2013-11-04 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Continuing Carrying out Fiscal Policies on Future Investors’ Security Funds


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2013-11-04 > All chapters

NDRC NEA: Notice on Ensuring Natural Gas Supply, Well Carrying Out Supply Contracts and Ensuring the Implementation of Coal to Gas Programme

实施“煤改气”、“油改气”等天然气替代项目,对减少污染物排放、改善空气质量具有重要作用。但由于部分地区“煤改气”改造过于集中,有的项目实施前没有落实资源,加剧了天然气供需矛盾,影响了居民正常生活。为保证“煤改气”、 燃气热电联产等有序实施,促使清洁能源更好地发挥作用,特别是保障今冬明春天然气稳定供应,确保居民生活、公共交通等重点用气,现就有关事项通知如下:

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2013-11-04 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Call for Comments on <Regulations on the Determination of Damage to Industry during Anti-Dumping Investigations (Amendment)>, <Regulations on the Determination of Damage to Industry during Anti-Subsidy Investigations (Amendment)> and <Consultati


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2013-11-01 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Enlarging the Coverage of Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Residents by Including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Students Studying in Mainland China


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2013-11-01 > All chapters

SAWS: Notice on the Issuance of the Work Plan on Improving Work Style and Launching Secret Investigation and Random Inspection


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