Government Updates

2013-11-29 > All chapters

CFDA: Notice on the Issuance of Classified Subdirectory of in Vitro Diagnosis Reagent

为加强体外诊断试剂分类管理,依据《医疗器械监督管理条例》、《体外诊断试剂注册管理办法(试行)》(国食药监械〔2007〕229号)等有关规定,总局组织制定了《6840 体外诊断试剂分类子目录(2013版)》,现予印发。

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2013-11-29 > All chapters

CMDE: Call for Comments on the <Technical Review Guidelines of Test Reagent for the Detection of Gene Mutation relevant to Tumour Treatment (Second Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 13 December, 2013


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2013-11-29 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Call for Comments on the <E-Commerce Statistical Indicator System Part I: General Section (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 31 December, 2013

为了规范电子商务统计口径,适时建立起我国的电子商务国家统计体系,全面把握电子商务发展的现状和规律,掌握我国电子商务发展情况、问题及趋势,开展电子商务国际交流与合作,根据《中华人民共和国标准化法》及相关法律法规,我部起草了《电子商务统计指标体系 第1部分:总体》(征求意见稿),现向社会开征求意见。公众可以通过以下途径和方式提出反馈意见:

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2013-11-29 > All chapters

CMDE: Call for Comments on the <Technical Guidelines on Registration Dossier for Affinity Reagents for Type 2 Antibody of Toxoplasma, Rubella Virus, Cytomegaoviyns, Herpes Simplex Virus as well as for IgG Antibody (Second Draft for Comments)> Deadlin


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2013-11-28 > All chapters

CAAC: <Civil Aviation Provisions on Flight Inspection of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Facilities> Entering into Force on 1 January 2014


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2013-11-28 > All chapters

CAAC: <Civil Aviation Provisions on the Putting into Use and Operation of Navigation Facilities> Entering into Force on 1 January 2014


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2013-11-28 > All chapters

CMDE: Call for Comments on the <Guidelines on Technical Review of Disposable Blood Separator Registration> Deadline: 25 December, 2013


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2013-11-28 > All chapters

CBRC: Decree 2013 No.3 <Measures for the Management of Qualifications for Directors and Senior Managers in Banking Institutions>


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2013-11-28 > All chapters

SC: Opinions on Ensuring the Steady Development of Coal Industry


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