Government Updates

2009-02-11 > All chapters

MIIT: Rules on Administration of Special Automobile and Trailer Manufacturer and Product Access

MIIT: Rules on Administration of Special Automobile and Trailer Manufacturer and Product Access

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2009-02-10 > All chapters

SAT: The State Council Approves of Automotive Revitalization Industry Planning by Reducing Vehicle P

SAT: The State Council Approves of Automotive Revitalization Industry Planning by Reducing Vehicle Purchasing Tax

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2009-02-10 > All chapters

NPC: Call for Comments on Administrative Measures on Motor Automobile Production Enterprises and Pro

NPC: Call for Comments on Administrative Measures on Motor Automobile Production Enterprises and Products Assessment

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2009-02-09 > All chapters

China to subsidize use of energy-efficient vehicles in public sector

China is to promote the use of energy-efficient and new-energy vehicles in public sector in 13 cities, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) said here Monday.

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2009-02-09 > All chapters

China unveils support package to auto, steel industries

China's State Council unveiled a long-awaited support package for the auto and steel sectors Wednesday to boost the two "pillar industries".

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2009-02-06 > All chapters

Steel sector gets booster package

The State Council approved a stimulus package Wednesday to help the steel industry weather the international financial crisis.

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2009-02-06 > All chapters

Auto sector gets a shot in the arm

Sales tax on vehicles with engines of less than 1.6 liters will be halved and exchange of old vehicles for new ones with smaller engines subsidized to boost the auto industry.

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2009-02-06 > All chapters

Chinese auto giant FAW reports record sales in '08

China's major automaker First Automobile Works (FAW) Group said Thursday its sales volume and revenue both reached record highs in 2008.

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2009-02-06 > All chapters

China to consider steel, vehicle support programs

China's State Council, or cabinet, is expected to meet this week to discuss a support plan for the steel and vehicle industries, a spokesman of the country's top economic planning body told Xinhua Tuesday. The official of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said, without elaborating, that a final government plan for these industries would follow the discussions.

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