Government Updates

2012-12-11 > All chapters

SAT: Notice on Sino-Japan Tax Agreement to be Applicable to the Newly Added Types of Taxes of Japan

中日双方主管当局代表经过协商,同意将中日税收协定适用于日方新增加的重建专项所得税(the special income tax for reconstruction)和重建专项法人税(the special corporation tax for reconstruction)。这两个税种是日本根据其国内相关法案设立,分别以中日税收协定中税种范围条款日方所列的所得税和法人税为税基,且与其实质相同。

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2012-12-11 > All chapters

SIPO: Issue Three IPR Industry Standards

 根据知识产权业务发展需要,国家知识产权局制定了3项知识产权行业标准:ZC 0012.3—2012《中国专利数据元素标准第3部分:关于用XML处理专利申请数据的规范》、ZC 0013—2012《中国专利文献版式》、ZC 0014—2012《专利文献数据规范》,现予以发布,自 2012年12月16日起实施。

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2012-12-11 > All chapters

SIPO: Notice on Revising Related IPR Industry Standards

 根据知识产权业务发展需要,国家知识产权局对有关知识产权行业标准予以修订形成ZC 0005—2012《专利公共统计数据项》、ZC 0007—2012《中国专利文献号》、ZC 0008—2012《中国专利文献种类标识代码》、ZC 0009—2012《中国专利文献著录项目》。现予以发布,自2012年12月16日起实施。ZC 0005.1—2003《专利信息统计数据项标准(第一部分)》、ZC 0007—2004《专利文献号标准》、ZC 0008—2004《专利文献种类标识代码标准》、ZC 0009—2006《专利文献著录项目标准》同时废止。

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2012-12-11 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice on Reporting and Submitting the Plan to Eliminate the Outdated Industrial Capacity of 2013 and Applying for Central Financial Award Funds


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2012-12-11 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on the First Bidding on the Export Quota of Mixtures Containing 70% or More than of Magnesium Oxide of 2013


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2012-12-11 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on the First Bidding on the Export Quota of Talcum Lump (Powder) of 2013


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2012-12-11 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on the First Bidding on the Export Quota of Other Mineral Products Containing 70% or More Than of Magnesium Oxide of 2013


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2012-12-11 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on the First Bidding on the Export Quota of Light and Heavy Burned Magnesium of 2013


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2012-12-11 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on the First Bidding on the Export Quota of not Calcined Brucite of 2013


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