Government Updates

2012-11-20 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments for GB/T 26728-2011 <High-Performance Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine Technology Conditions> (Draft for Approval)

由中国机械工业联合会提出、全国内燃机标准化技术委员会负责制订的GB/T 26728-2011《高效单缸柴油机 技术条件》第1号修改单(报批稿)已完成。按照《国家标准修改单管理规定》的有关要求,现公开征求意见,请于12月15日前把《意见反馈表》以邮寄、传真或电子邮件形式反馈我委。

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2012-11-20 > All chapters

NDRC: Notice on Lowering Domestic Refined Oil Price


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2012-11-20 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the <Related Matters concerning Small Enterprises Executing <Accounting System of Small Enterprises>>


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2012-11-20 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Measures for the Finance Administration of Lottery Agencies

根据《彩票管理条例》(国务院令第554号)、《彩票管理条例实施细则》(财政部 民政部 国家体育总局令第67号)、《事业单位财务规则》(财政部令第68号)的有关规定,财政部修订了《彩票机构财务管理办法》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。

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2012-11-20 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Administrative Measures of the Fund by which the Central Government Aiding Local Technology Fundamental Conditions


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2012-11-20 > All chapters

MOJ: Issue the Judicial Forensic Technology Specifications


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2012-11-20 > All chapters

GAC: Issue the Customs Industry Standard of <Front-End Integration System Construction of Customs Logistics Supervision>


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2012-11-20 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Economic Operation of State-Owned and State-Controlled Enterprises during Jan- Oct in 2012


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2012-11-20 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Evaluation of Central State-Owned Capital Budget Expenditure Programs from 2008 to 2011


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