Government Updates

2012-11-13 > All chapters

MEP: Call for Comments for Technology Policies of Lead-Acid Batteries Production and Pollution Prevention (Draft for Comments)


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MEP: Call for Comments for <the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Cement Industry> (Draft for Comments) and Other 3 National Environment Protection Standards


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

SFA: Call for Comments for <the Wetland Protection Administrative Regulations> (Draft for Comments)


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MIIT: Issue the Amateur Radio Administrative Measures


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Issue the Application Conditions and Procedures of Ferroalloys Export Permission


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MWR: Issue the <Implementation Plan of Supervision and Controlling Construction Project of National Water Resource Capability (2012-2014)> and <Administrative Measures of Supervision and Controlling Construction Project of National Water Resource Capabili

本站讯 为落实《中共中央 国务院关于加快水利改革发展的决定》(中发[2011]1号)和《国务院关于实行最严格水资源管理制度的意见》(国发[2012]3号)精神,加快国家水资源监控能力建设项目建设,2012年9月14日,水利部、财政部联合印发了《国家水资源监控能力建设项目实施方案(2012—2014年)》(水资源[2012]411号)和《国家水资源监控能力建设项目管理办法》(水资源[2012]412号)(以下简称《实施方案》《管理办法》)。

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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Enhancing the Budget Execution Administration of the State-Owned Capital in Central Cultural Enterprises


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MEP: Notice on Hosting the 2nd Batch in 2012 of Training to Check the Ecological Environment Quality in National Key Ecological Function Zones


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

AQSIQ: Notice on the Demonstration Zones of Agricultural Production’s Safe Quality of the National-Level Export Food


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