Government Updates

2012-11-13 > All chapters

MOST: Issue the Temporary Administrative Measures of Setting up National Key Labs Relying on Enterprises


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MEP: Issue the <Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Dyeing and Finishing of Textile Industry> and Other 3 National Pollutants Discharge Standards


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

CIRC: Issue the Guidance Opinions of Insurance Companies’ Accountability for Sales Misleading

为进一步强化各人身保险公司对销售误导问题的责任追究力度,有效遏制销售误导行为,保护保险消费者合法权益,我会制定了《人身保险公司销售误导责任追究指导意见》,现予印发,自 2013年1月1日起施行。

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2012-11-13 > All chapters

NEA: The 7th Notice of 2012

按照《能源领域行业标准化管理办法(试行)》的规定,经审查,国家能源局批准《压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第14部分:2、3级对焊无缝管件》等67项能源行业核电标准(NB,见附件),现予以发布。

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2012-11-13 > All chapters

SASAC: Issue the 2012 Final Financial Statements of Central Enterprises’ Oversea Sub-Enterprises


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MWR: Issue the Water Conservancy Development of Large-Scale Development of the Western Region of the 12th Five Year Plan

本站讯 为贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于深入实施西部大开发战略的若干意见》和《中共中央国务院关于加快水利改革发展的决定》精神,水利部组织编制了《西部大开发水利发展“十二五”规划》(以下简称《规划》),业以办规计[2012]474号文印发。《规划》提出了“十二五”及今后一段时期西部地区水利发展的目标任务,是指导今后五年西部地区水利改革发展的重要依据。

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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Applying for Golden Sun and PV Building Construction Demonstration Programs


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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on the French Version of Design Specifications of Highway Roadbed

为增进公路工程行业标准的对外交流,现公布《公路路基设计规范》(JTG D30-2004)法文版。

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2012-11-13 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on the French Version of General Specifications of Freeway Transportation Engineering and Facilities Design along the Road

为增进公路工程行业标准的对外交流,现公布《高速公路交通工程及沿线设施设计通用规范》(JTG D80-2004)法文版。

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