Government Updates

2009-11-16 > All chapters

MIIT: Call for Comments on the 2nd Batch of Standard Projects in the Communications Industry

MIIT: Call for Comments on the 2nd Batch of Standard Projects in the Communications Industry

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2009-11-13 > All chapters

SIPO: World Financial Officials Discussed on Technological Cooperation and Innovation

SIPO: World Financial Officials Discussed on Technological Cooperation and Innovation

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2009-11-12 > All chapters

MIIT Held the Symposium on Regulations on the Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products

MIIT Held the Symposium on Regulations on the Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products

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2009-11-11 > All chapters

MIIT Held the Meeting on the 12th 5-Year Planning

MIIT Held the Meeting on the 12th 5-Year Planning

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2009-11-06 > All chapters

Equities edge up led by transportation companies

Equities edge up led by transportation companies

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2009-11-06 > All chapters

MOC Released the Operational Situation of Transport Industry in the First 3Qs of 2009

MOC Released the Operational Situation of Transport Industry in the First 3Qs of 2009

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2009-11-06 > All chapters

MIIT: internet industry shows four main tendencies

MIIT: internet industry shows four main tendencies

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2009-11-06 > All chapters

MIIT:China bulit the largest internet infrastrure wordwide covering all national cities

MIIT:China bulit the largest internet infrastrure wordwide covering all national cities

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

MOC: Notice on the Repeal of 4 Standards in the Transport Industry

MOC: Notice on the Repeal of 4 Standards in the Transport Industry

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