Government Updates

2013-08-05 > All chapters

CQC: Notice on Starting the New Certification Service for Safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electric Water Bath Warmers for Commercial Use


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2013-08-05 > All chapters

CQC: Notice on Starting the New Certification Service for Safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility of Refrigerating Appliances for Commercial Use


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2013-08-05 > All chapters

CQC: Notice on the Application of New Standards and Certification Rules to Speed Room Air Conditioners

根据国家标准委2013年第9号中国国家标准批准发布公告, GB21455-2013《转速可控型房间空气调节器能效限定值及能效等级》于2013年6月9日发布,并于2013年10月1日实施。中国质量认证中心(英文缩写CQC)同时发布新版转速可控型房间空气调节器节能认证规则CQC31-439121-2013,替代旧版转速可控型房间空气调节器节能认证规则CQC31-439121-2008。

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2013-08-05 > All chapters

CFDA: Notice on the Appointment of the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Centre and 21 Other Organisations as CFDA’s Dietary Supplement Registration and Inspection Agencies


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2013-08-02 > All chapters

MEP: Call for Comments on the National Environmental Protection Standards: <Air Pollutant Emissions Standards for Boiler (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 31 August, 2013

为贯彻《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》,保护环境,保障人体健康,我部决定修订国家环境保护标准《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13271-2001)。目前,标准编制单位已编制完成标准的征求意见稿。根据国家环境保护标准制修订工作管理规定,现将标准征求意见稿和有关材料印送给你们,请研究并提出书面修改意见反馈我部科技标准司。征求意见截止时间为2013年8月31日。

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2013-08-02 > All chapters

MEP: Call for Comments on the National Environmental Protection Standards: <Pollutant Emissions Standards for Aluminum Industry (GB25465-2010)> and 5 Other Amendments of Pollutant Emissions Standards (Draft for Comments) Deadline: 31 August, 2013

为进一步加强大气污染防治工作,落实国务院批复实施的《重点区域大气污染防治“十二五”规划》的相关要求,我部决定修改《铝工业污染物排放标准》(GB 25465-2010)、《铅、锌工业污染物排放标准》(GB 25466-2010)、《铜、镍、钴工业污染物排放标准》(GB 25467-2010)、《镁、钛工业污染物排放标准》(GB 25468-2010)、《稀土工业污染物排放标准》(GB 26451-2011)和《钒工业污染物排放标准》(GB 26452-2011)等6项国家污染物排放标准,在上述标准中增加大气污染物特别排放限值。目前,标准编制单位已编制完成上述6项标准修改单的征求意见稿,现将有关材料印送给你们,请研究并提出书面修改意见,返回我部科技标准司。征求意见截止时间为2013年8月31日。

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2013-08-02 > All chapters

MOHURD: Notice on Releasing the <Construction Engineering Standard System> (Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering)


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2013-08-02 > All chapters

MOHURD: Notice on Releasing the <Construction Engineering Standard System> (Electronic Engineering)


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2013-08-01 > All chapters

MOT: Release the <GRC Collector Tank> and 12 Other Transport Industry Standards


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