Government Updates

2012-05-28 > All chapters

MOH: Reply to Issues Concerning the Labeling of Manufacture Dates on the Pre-packaged Drinks, Cigarettes and Wines


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2012-05-25 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on the First Batch of National Standardization Projects with Preparatory in 2012


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2012-05-25 > All chapters

MOH: Reply to Issues Concerning the Labeling of Manufacture Dates on the Pre-packaged Drinks, Cigarettes and Wines


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2012-05-23 > All chapters

MEP: Call for Comments on the Technical Requirements for the Environmental Labeling Product: Battery

为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,保护环境,保障人体健康,促进科技进步,我部决定制定国家环境保护标准《环境标志产品技术要求 电池》。目前,标准编制单位已编制完成标准的征求意见稿。根据《国家环境保护标准制修订工作管理办法》的规定,现将标准征求意见稿和有关材料印送给你们,请研究并提出书面修改意见,于2012年6月29日前反馈我部科技标准司或标准编制单位

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2012-05-23 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on Safe and Hygienic Requirements for the Process of Metal Heat Treatment


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2012-05-23 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on the General Rules to Safety Production of Stamping Workshop


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2012-05-22 > All chapters

NEA: Reply to Establishing the National Standardization Technical Committee of Non-grain Biomaterial


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2012-05-22 > All chapters

MOHURD: Issue the Standard System of Construction (Construction Material)


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2012-05-21 > All chapters

MOH: Call for Comments on the Food Safety National Standards for Food Additive Starch Acetate and other 16 Foods

根据《食品安全法》及其实施条例的规定,我部组织制定了《食品添加剂 醋酸酯淀粉》等16项食品安全国家标准(征求意见稿)。现征求你部门意见并向社会公开征求意见,请于2012年7月16日前以传真或电子邮件形式反馈我部。

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