Government Updates

2024-06-26 > All chapters

EU Policy Intelligence and Advocacy

Updates by 24th June

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2017-03-06 > All chapters

Documents at the Two Sessions

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has just delivered the latest Report on the Work of the Government on 5 March, 2017 at the Fifth Session of the 12th NPC. Download the English version here.

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2017-01-23 > All chapters

Meeting with Pan Gongsheng, Deputy Governor of People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and Administrator of State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)

On 23rd January, Chamber President Joerg Wuttke met with Mr Pan Gongsheng, Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China and Administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), to discuss the SAFE’s recent window guidance, a regulat

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2013-12-13 > All chapters

MOT: Call for Comments on the <Security Regulations for Inland River Ferry> Deadline: 12 January, 2014


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2013-12-13 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Issuance of the Construction Plan (on Trial) for National Ecological Civilization Demonstration Plot


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2013-12-13 > All chapters

AQSIQ MIIT: Release <Guidelines on Strengthening the Quality Construction of Building Waterproofing Industry and Propelling the Quality of Waterproofing Roll-Roofing Products>


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2013-12-13 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Pilots to Transfer Sales Tax to Value-added Tax in Rail Industry and Postal Services Industry


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2013-12-13 > All chapters

CSRC: Release <Regulations to Securities Issuance and Consignment Inward>


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2013-12-13 > All chapters

NDRC: Introduction to <The List of Government Approved Investment Programs (2013)>


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