Government Updates

2013-10-29 > All chapters

SCLAO MLR: Call for Comments on the <Regulations on the Economical and Intensive Utilisation of Land (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 30 November, 2013


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2013-10-29 > All chapters

CFDA NHFPC SAIC: Notice on Further Enhancing the Regulation of Promotion and Sale of Brest-milk Substitutes


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2013-10-29 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Enhancement of Balance Management at Local-level


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2013-10-29 > All chapters

NCAC: Measures for the Payment for Licensed Use of Articles in Textbooks


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2013-10-29 > All chapters

CFDA: Notice on Matters relating to the Certification and Review Work under the Good Manufacture Practice of Drugs


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2013-10-28 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Circulate the Notice on the Practicing of Bulk Purchasing by NPC Budget Funded Agencies


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2013-10-28 > All chapters

AQSIQ: Announcement on the Release of the <Measures for the Management of Sanitisation at Border Crossings>


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2013-10-28 > All chapters

NHFPC: Notice on the Issuing of the <2013 Work Plan on the Monitoring of Air Pollution (Smog)’s Impact on the Population and of Sanitation Conditions in Rural Areas>


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2013-10-28 > All chapters

MOHURD: Notice on Issuing the <Filing Mechanism for Civilian Building Energy Consumption and Energy Conservation Information Collection>


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