Government Updates

2013-02-26 > All chapters

SIPO: Call for Comments for the Draft of the Guidance of Patent Inspection (Draft for Comments)


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

SIPO: Notice on Starting the IPR Evaluation Pilots of Major Economic and Technological Activities in 2013


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

SIPO: Issue the Temporary Measures for the IPR Commenting Pilots of Major Economic and Technological Activities


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2013-01-25 > All chapters

SIPO: Notice on the Protection of Professional Market IPR


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2013-01-25 > All chapters

SIPO: Notice on the Guidelines of Enhancing the Analytical and Critical Abilities of IPR Service Institutions


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2013-01-24 > All chapters

SIPO: Issue the Several Opinions on Enhancing the Protection of Inventors’ Legitimate Rights and Interests to Promote the Application of IPR

根据《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》,经中央人才工作协调小组审议通过,现将《关于进一步加强职务发明人合法权益保护 促进知识产权运用实施的若干意见》印发给你们,请遵照执行。

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2013-01-03 > All chapters

SIPO: Notice on the <Development of China Practical and New Patent System>


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

SIPO: Notice on Applying for the High-Tech Service Industry Research and Industrialization


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2012-12-11 > All chapters

SIPO: Issue Three IPR Industry Standards

 根据知识产权业务发展需要,国家知识产权局制定了3项知识产权行业标准:ZC 0012.3—2012《中国专利数据元素标准第3部分:关于用XML处理专利申请数据的规范》、ZC 0013—2012《中国专利文献版式》、ZC 0014—2012《专利文献数据规范》,现予以发布,自 2012年12月16日起实施。

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