Government Updates

2024-06-26 > All chapters

EU Policy Intelligence and Advocacy

Updates by 24th June

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2021-12-01 > All chapters

GACC Overseas Manufacturers’ Registration of Imported Foods

The European Chamber has been supporting the communication between industry and GACC on the overseas manufacturers’ registration of imported foods. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Ing Wang at

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2021-11-24 > All chapters

Call for Comments: Regulations on Cyber Data Security Management (Draft for Comments)

If you would like to provide comments through the European Chamber, please contact Ms Ziting Zhang at

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2021-05-20 > All chapters

European Parliament Passes a Resolution Outlining Their Response to the 22nd March Chinese Counter-Sanctions

On 20th May, the European Parliament Plenary passed a resolution that condemned the Chinese sanctions imposed as a retaliation for the EU’s sanctions package.

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2021-05-05 > All chapters

Regulatory Proposal on an Instrument to Combat Distortive Subsidies by Third Countries

The European Commission published a regulatory proposal for an instrument to tackle distortive foreign subsidies. The instrument, which will be fully implemented by the European Commission, consists of three modules.

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2016-06-20 > All chapters

Opinions of the State Council on Building an Examination System for Fair Competition

The State Council issued its Opinions on Building an Examination System for Fair Competition in the Market System Development on 14 June, 2016.

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2016-02-06 > All chapters

SARFT: Call for Comments on <Provisions on the Administration of Digital Publications>



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2016-01-21 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Call for Comments on <Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of “Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance” (Part II) (Draft for Comments)>

为更好地贯彻执行《工伤保险条例》,妥善解决实际工作中的有关政策难点问题,维护职工的正当权益,促进社会公平与正义,在2013年我部印发了《人力资源社会保障部关于执行< 工伤保险条例>若干问题的意见》(人社部发[2013]34号)之后,经调查研究论证,我部拟定了《关于执行<工伤保险条例>若干问题的意见(二)(征求意见稿)》,现向社会公开征求意见。

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