Government Updates

2013-11-22 > All chapters

SC: Decision on Amending the <Measures for the Declaration of Statistics on Balance of Payments>


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2013-11-22 > All chapters

MOFCOM PBOC CSRC: Decree No.3 2013 <Specific Regulations on Transactions in the Spot Market for Commodities (for Trial Implementation)>


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2013-11-14 > All chapters

CBRC: Decree 2013 No.1: <Measures for the Implementation of Administrative Approval of Chinese Banks>


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2013-11-08 > All chapters

CSRC CBRC: Announcement No.39 2013: Guiding Opinions on the Issuance of Corporate Bonds by Commercial Banks for Capital Replenishment


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2013-10-11 > All chapters

CBRC: Call for Comments on the <Measures on the Liquidity Risk Management in Commercial Banks (Trial Implementation) (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 11 November, 2013


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2013-10-09 > All chapters

CBRC SCLAO: Call for Comments on the <Measures for the Implementation of Administrative Approval Items Concerning Rural Small and Medium-sized Financial Institutions (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 9 November, 2013


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2013-09-30 > All chapters

CBRC SCLAO: Call for Comments on the <Measures on the Implementation of Administrative Approval Items Concerning Foreign Banks (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 30 October, 2013


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2013-09-29 > All chapters

CBRC: Notice on Matters Relating to the Supervision and Regulation of the Banking Sector in the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Pilot Zone


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2013-09-27 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Tightening the Management of Interest Subsidy Grants for Small Amount Secured Loans


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