Government Updates

2012-12-17 > All chapters

CSRC: The 41st Notice of 2012


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2012-12-17 > All chapters

SFDA: Notice on Revising the Instruction Samples of 3 OTC Including Huo Li Su Oral Solution


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2012-12-17 > All chapters

SFDA: Notice on Enhancing the Supervision Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine that Contains Calculus Bovis and Other Materials


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2012-12-17 > All chapters

SFDA: Notice on the Supervision and Administration of Healthcare Equipment Business


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2012-12-17 > All chapters

NEA: Notice on the Total Electricity Consumption Nationwide of November

11月份,全社会用电量4139亿千瓦时,同比增长7.6 %。

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2012-12-17 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Call for Comments for the Measures for the Administration of Waste Electrical and Electronics (Draft for Comments)


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2012-12-17 > All chapters

MOF: Call for Comments for the <Limited Revision: Classification and Measurement of <International Financial Reporting Standard No. 9- Financial Instruments>> from IASB

2012年11月28日,国际会计准则理事会(IASB)发布了《对〈国际财务报告准则第9号——金融工具〉的有限修订:分类和计量》(以下简称征求意见稿),向全球公开征求意见。征求意见稿的主要目的是将IFRS 9的金融资产分类从目前的两类调整为三类。

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2012-12-17 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Measures for the Administration of the Central Financial Award Fund in the Social Function Reform of Local State-Owned Farms


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2012-12-17 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Measures for the Administration of the Pension in State-Owned Financial Enterprises


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