Government Updates

2013-01-03 > All chapters

BJ COC: Call for Comments for the Temporary Measures for the Administration of the Operation Qualification of Foreign Labor Cooperation in Beijing (Draft for Comments)


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

CFIA: Call for Comments for the Industry Standards of Tagatose and Lactulose (Draft for Comments)


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

State Council: Issue the 630th Notice


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

State Council: Issue the Government Centralized Procurement Catalogue and Standard 2013-2014 of Central Committee Budget Units

State Council: Issue the Government Centralized Procurement Catalogue and Standard 2013-2014 of Central Committee Budget Units

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2013-01-03 > All chapters

SAWS: Issue the Measures for the Administration of the Emergency Expertise Group of National Safety Production


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

SAWS: Issue the Administrative Regulations of Enhancing the Construction Safety of Coal Mines


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice on Applying for the 3rd Batch of the Vehicle and Vessel Tax Exemption Catalogue of Energy-Saving and New-Energy-Applying Vehicles

按照《财政部 国家税务总局 工业和信息化部关于节约能源 使用新能源车船车船税政策的通知》(财税[2012]19号,以下简称《通知》)要求,经与财政部、国家税务总局协商,拟于近日启动第三批减免车船税车型集中申报、审查工作,请你单位按要求做好申报工作。

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2013-01-03 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice on Further Enhancing the “Look Back” Activity of Fighting and Rectifying Illegal and Violative Act Project in Civil Explosives Industry


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2013-01-03 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Government Procurement List of Energy-Saving Products (13th)


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