Government Updates

2018-11-21 > All chapters

NDRC: Issued the Memorandum of Joint Disciplinary Actions against Serious Distrusted Subjects in the Field of Intellectual Property (Patent)

发改委 印发《关于对知识产权(专利)领域严重失信主体开展联合惩戒的合作备忘录》的通知

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2018-11-20 > All chapters

CAC MPS: Jointly Issued Internet Information Service Security Assessment Provisions with Paradoxical Attributes or Social Mobilization Capabilities

网信办、公安部 联合发布《具有舆论属性或社会动员能力的互联网信息服务安全评估规定》

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2018-11-19 > All chapters

MIIT: The 8th Plenary Meeting of the China-EU Industrial Dialogue Consultation Mechanism

工信部 中欧工业对话磋商机制第八次全体会议召开

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2018-11-19 > All chapters

SAT: Interpretation on SAT’s Announcement on Issues Concerning the Expansion of the Scope of Application of the Withholding Income Tax Policy for the Expansion of Direct Investment by Foreign Investors

国家税务总局 关于《国家税务总局关于扩大境外投资者以分配利润直接投资暂不征收预提所得税政策适用范围有关问题的公告》的解读

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2018-11-19 > All chapters

CBIRC: Released the Key Regulatory Indicators for the Banking Industry in the 3rd Quarter of 2018

银保监会 发布2018年三季度银行业主要监管指标数据

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2018-11-14 > All chapters

SCIO: Press Conference on National Economic Performance in October


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2018-11-08 > All chapters

The State Council has issued a new document on Focusing the Concerns of Business and Further Promoting the Implementation of Policies on Improving Business Environment


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2018-11-07 > All chapters

SRC: Guiding Opinions on Improving the Stock Trading System of Listed Companies


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2018-11-07 > All chapters

SAMR Commissioner Zhang Mao’s Field Research in Shanghai


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