Government Updates

2013-09-26 > All chapters

MEP: Announcement on Releasing Two National Environmental Protection Standards among Which the <Technical Specifications on Air Quality Assessment (Trial Implementation)>


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2013-09-26 > All chapters

MOT: Announcement on Matters Relating to Improving Regulations on NVOCC’s Activities


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2013-09-26 > All chapters

SAWS: Call for Comments on the <List of Dangerous Chemicals (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 31 October, 2013


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2013-09-26 > All chapters

CIRC: Notice on Issuing the <Regulations on the Assessment of Services of Life Insurance Companies>


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2013-09-26 > All chapters

SAWS: 10 Regulations on Ensuring the Production Safety of Enterprises in the Chemical Industry (Dangerous Chemicals)


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2013-09-25 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on Issuing the <MOT’s Catalogue on Government Information Disclosure (Amended Version)>


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2013-09-24 > All chapters

NDRC: Notice on the Increase of Oil Prices Due to the Improvement of Oil Quality


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2013-09-24 > All chapters

NDRC: Notice on Matters Relating to Corporate Bond Financing’s Support to Shantytown Transformation


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2013-09-24 > All chapters

SAWS: Notice on Putting into Use of Standardized Information Management System on Production Safety for Fireworks Manufacturing Enterprises


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