Government Updates

2011-02-09 > All chapters

SFDA: To Deal With the Following-up of Certain Companies Illegal Activities


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2011-01-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-weekly Newsletter

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

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2011-01-24 > All chapters

SFDA: Calls for Comments on Requirements on Cosmetics in Use of Nice Kinds of Ingredients


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2011-01-11 > All chapters

SFDA: Issued Catalogue for the Standard Chinese Names of International Cosmetics Ingredients (2010)

为加强化妆品原料监督管理,进一步规范国际化妆品原料标准中文名称命名,在卫生部发布的《国际化妆品原料标准中文名称目录》(2007年版)的基础上,国家食品药品监督管理局组织对美国化妆品盥洗用品及香水协会2008年出版的《国际化妆品原料字典和手册(第十二版)》[International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook Twelfth Edition(2008)]中所收录的原料命名进行了翻译,完成了《国际化妆品原料标准中文名称目录》(2010年版)(以下简称《目录》)。为做好相关工作,日前,国家食品药品监督管理局印发通知就有关问题进行了明确:

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2010-12-31 > Beijing, Shanghai

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsetter

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

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2010-11-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

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2010-11-05 > Beijing, Shanghai

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

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2010-10-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

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2010-10-09 > All chapters

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Cosmetics Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter

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