Government Updates

2012-06-06 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Issue the “12th Five-Year” Plan for the Development of Export and Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products and High-tech Products


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2012-06-06 > All chapters

MIIT: Issue the Catalogue of the “Panel TV Sets Featuring Energy-Saving and People-Benefiting” to be Promoted (First Batch)

根据《财政部 国家发展改革委关于开展节能产品惠民工程的通知》(财建[2009]213号)和《财政部国家发展改革委 工业和信息化部关于印发<节能产品惠民工程高效节能平板电视推广实施细则>的通知》(财建[2012]259号),国家发展改革委、财政部、工业和信息化部组织对地方上报的高效节能平板电视推广申请报告及相关材料进行了审核。现将节能产品惠民工程高效节能平板电视推广目录(第一批)予以公告,自发布之日起开始实施。

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2012-06-06 > All chapters

MIIT: Issue the Catalogue of the “Room Air Conditioners Featuring Energy-Saving and People-Benefiting” to be Promoted (Five Batch)

根据《财政部 国家发展改革委关于开展节能产品惠民工程的通知》(财建[2009]213号)和《财政部 国家发展改革委 工业和信息化部关于印发<节能产品惠民工程高效节能房间空气调节器推广实施细则>的通知》(财建[2012]260号),国家发展改革委、财政部、工业和信息化部组织对地方上报的高效节能房间空气调节器推广申请报告及相关材料进行了审核。现将节能产品惠民工程高效节能房间空气调节器推广目录(第五批)予以公告,自发布之日起开始实施,同时前四批推广目录予以废止。

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2012-06-05 > All chapters

MIIT: Call for Comments on the Administrative Measures on Controlling the Pollution of Electrical and Electronic Products


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2012-06-04 > All chapters

MIIT: Call for Comments on the <Notice of Strengthening the Administration of Networking the Mobile Intelligent Terminals


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2012-06-04 > All chapters

MOST: Call for Comments on the 14th Joint Scientific and Technologic Committee Meeting between China and Italy (2013-2015)


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2012-06-04 > All chapters

MOST: Call for Comments on the Joint Scientific and Technologic Committee Meeting between China and Portugal (2013-2015)


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2012-06-01 > All chapters

SAT: Notice of Issues Concerning the Administration of the Accreditation of Software and Integrated Circuit Industries

为贯彻落实《财政部 国家税务总局关于进一步鼓励软件产业和集成电路产业发展企业所得税政策的通知》(财税〔2012〕27号)的有关规定,现将软件和集成电路企业认定管理的有关问题公告如下:

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2012-05-31 > All chapters

State Council: Issue the “12th Five-Year Plan for the Development of National Strategic Emerging Industries


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