Government Updates

2024-06-26 > All chapters

EU Policy Intelligence and Advocacy

Updates by 24th June

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2023-08-31 > Nanjing

Call for comments on the Implementation Methods for Promoting the Work of Foreign R&D Center in Jiangsu

The Jiangsu Department of Commerce issued a call for comments on the Implementation Methods for Promoting the Work of Foreign R&D Center in Jiangsu. Please down the full text below.

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2023-08-31 > Nanjing

Call for comments on Opinions on Encouraging Multinational Companies to Establish Regional Headquarters and Functional Institutions in Jiangsu

The Jiangsu Department of Commerce issued a call for comments on Opinions on Encouraging Multinational Companies to Establish Regional Headquarters and Functional Institutions in Jiangsu. Please down the full text below.

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2023-05-17 > All chapters

Call for Comments on Value-added Tax Law the Regulation on Fair Competition Review (Draft for Comments)

The State Administration of Market Regulations (SAMR) issued a call for comments on the Regulation on Fair Competition Review (Draft for Comments) on 12th May.

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2023-01-18 > All chapters

Call for Comments on Value-added Tax Law

The National People's Congress Standing Committee reviewed the draft Value-added Tax Law at the end of 2022 and issued a call for comments on the draft Value-added Tax Law.

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2018-12-18 > All chapters

MFA: Released the Third China's Policy Paper on the European Union

外交部 发布第三份《中国对欧盟政策文件》

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2018-12-18 > All chapters

MFA: Spokesperson Responded Question of China’s Policy Paper on EU on the Regular Press Conference on December 18

外交部 12月18日例行记者会上新闻发言人答中国对欧盟政策文件有关问题

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2018-12-07 > All chapters

SCIO: Introduced Relevant Policies after the Transition Period of Cross-border E-commerce Retail Import

国新办 举行介绍跨境电商零售进口过渡期后有关政策吹风会

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2018-12-06 > All chapters

CCPIT: Released Investment Guide for Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones

贸促会 发布《境外经贸合作区投资指南》

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