Government Updates

2012-07-18 > All chapters

MOH: Issue the Specifications for the Administration of the Comprehensive Interventional Treatment Technology


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2012-07-18 > All chapters

MOH: Issue the Specifications for the Administration of the Interventional Treatment Technology for Nerve Vascular


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2012-07-18 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice of Issues Considering the Administration of Full-trailer Products.

 为进一步完善《车辆生产企业及产品公告》(以下简称《公告》)管理,规范挂车生产企业及产品的准入管理,维护挂车产品市场竞争秩序,提高挂车产品的安全性能和生产一致性管理水平,根据工业和信息化部、公安部《关于进一步提高大中型客货车安全技术性能 加强车辆〈公告〉管理和注册登记管理工作的通知》(工信部联产业〔2011〕632号),决定对全挂车产品实施《公告》管理。现将有关事项通知如下:

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2012-07-18 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Administrative Measures on the Special Fund for Low-rent Housing Subsidized by Central Government


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2012-07-18 > All chapters

MOF: Supplement Notice of Levying Value Added Tax in Lieu of Business Tax on the Transportation Industry and Some Modern Service Industries


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2012-07-18 > All chapters

MOF: Notice of Implementing the Application Work of Interest-subsidy Funds for the Export of Techniques in 2012


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2012-07-18 > All chapters

SAT: Issue the Guidance Advice on Standardizing the Discretion Right of Tax Administration


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2012-07-18 > All chapters

SAT: Notice of Recognizing the “Beneficial Owner” in Tax Agreements


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2012-07-18 > All chapters

SAT: Notice of Adjusting the Application for the Value Added Tax


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