Government Updates

2009-03-13 > All chapters

Hospital plan to aid grassroots

The government has pledged to build 2,000 county hospitals and 5,000 township clinics in rural areas within the next three years as part of its healthcare reform, which aims to make medical services more available and affordable at the grassroots.

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2009-03-13 > All chapters

CBRC: Most financial products profitable in '08

Financial products sold by 83 banks in China raised up to 3,700 billion yuan ($528.6 billion) in 2008, said an official from China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) on March 12.

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2009-03-13 > All chapters

Fixed-asset investment grows 26.5% y-o-y in Jan-Feb

Urban fixed-asset investment in China rose 26.5% in the first two months of the year over the same period in 2008. The growth figure reported by the National Bureau of Statistics was higher than the 24.3% growth figure reported in the first two months of 2008.

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2009-03-13 > All chapters

MOF: Announcement on Decentralization of the Approval Power for Foreign Investments and Establishing

MOF: Announcement on Decentralization of the Approval Power for Foreign Investments and Establishing Investment Companies

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2009-03-13 > All chapters

MOF: Announcement on Further Improving Foreign Investment Approval Work

MOF: Announcement on Further Improving Foreign Investment Approval Work

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2009-03-12 > All chapters

China eases FDI rules, making approvals easier

BEIJING, March 12 (Reuters) - Beijing has devolved authority for approving more foreign investment projects to local authorities, making it easier for foreign investors to set up shop in China, according to new rules published on Thursday.

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2009-03-12 > All chapters

SIPO: Calls for comments on the Revised Draft of Regulation on the Implementation of the Patent Law

SIPO: Calls for comments on the Revised Draft of Regulation on the Implementation of the Patent Law

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2009-03-12 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Guiding Opinions of Dealing with Current Economy Situation and Stabilizing Labor Relations

MOHRSS: Guiding Opinions of Dealing with Current Economy Situation and Stabilizing Labor Relations

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2009-03-12 > All chapters

China's central bank signs currency swap agreement with Belarus

The People's Bank of China (PBOC),the central bank, said Wednesday it has signed a currency swap agreement with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

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