Government Updates

2008-09-01 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Call for comments on 23rd meeting of Mix Commission Concerning China and EU.

It will be held in late September in Beijing. Comments are welcome before 15th September in written form to be submitted to the Dept. of European Affairs of MOFCOM.

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2008-08-28 > All chapters

MOFCOM: No. 60 Announcement 2008: Import Allowance, Application Conditions, Distribution Basis and A

MOFCOM: No. 60 Announcement 2008: Import Allowance, Application Conditions, Distribution Basis and Application Procedure of Product Oil of Non State-Owned Trade Enterprises, 2009.

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2008-08-28 > All chapters

PBC: CBRC released Announcement of Economical and Intensive Utilization of Land Promoted by Finance

PBC: CBRC released Announcement of Economical and Intensive Utilization of Land Promoted by Finance

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2008-08-28 > All chapters

NDRC, CNTA, MOHRSS, MOFCOM, MOF and PBC: Released Guideline on Rapid Development of Employment Promo

NDRC, CNTA, MOHRSS, MOFCOM, MOF and PBC: Released Guideline on Rapid Development of Employment Promoted by Tourism.

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2008-08-28 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Announcement on final examination of antidumping measures against Catechol imported from EU

MOFCOM: Announcement on final examination of antidumping measures against Catechol imported from EU

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2008-08-28 > All chapters

CSRC: Commercial bank must reveal when provides over 300,000RMB loans to a natural person.

CSRC: Commercial bank must reveal when provides over 300,000RMB loans to a natural person.

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2008-08-28 > All chapters

Law of Circular Economy was renamed Circular Economy Promotion Law in the third round of examination

Law of Circular Economy was renamed Circular Economy Promotion Law in the third round of examination.

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2008-08-28 > All chapters

Call for comments on architecture solution of System of Coal Rules and Regulation of PRC.

Call for comments on architecture solution of System of Coal Rules and Regulation of PRC.

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2008-08-28 > All chapters

PBC: Released Operational Aspect of Financial Market of July, 2008

PBC: Released Operational Aspect of Financial Market of July, 2008

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