Government Updates

2008-08-22 > All chapters

SAFE: Approval of Experiment with Individual Exchange Business of Domestic and Foreign Currency in B

SAFE: Approval of Experiment with Individual Exchange Business of Domestic and Foreign Currency in Beijing and Shanghai.

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2008-08-22 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Call for comments on Administrative Measures of Qualification for Contracted Projects in Oth

MOFCOM: Call for comments on Administrative Measures of Qualification for Contracted Projects in Other Countries

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2008-08-21 > All chapters

SFDA: On granting Shenzhen Medical Equipment Testing Center qualification to test 145 products and p

SFDA: On granting Shenzhen Medical Equipment Testing Center qualification to test 145 products and projects such as disposable gloves for medical use.

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2008-08-21 > All chapters

MEP: Call for comments on 3 items of national standards for environment protection: Technical Code f

MEP: Call for comments on 3 items of national standards for environment protection: Technical Code for Sewage Disposal in SBR Method by Anaerobic, Hypoxia and Aerobic etc.

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2008-08-21 > All chapters

MOHURD: Announcement on Publication of Industry Standards: Safety Rules and Technologica

MOHURD: Announcement on Publication of Industry Standards: Safety Rules and Technologica

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2008-08-21 > All chapters

MOHURD: Announcement on Publication of Industry Standards: Safety Rules and Technological Standards

MOHURD: Announcement on Publication of Industry Standards: Safety Rules and Technological Standards for Architectural Construction Templates (Decree No.79 of MOUHURD of PRC)

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2008-08-21 > All chapters

MOHURD: Announcement on Publication of Industry Standards: Regulations of Technology of Project on A

MOHURD: Announcement on Publication of Industry Standards: Regulations of Technology of Project on Air Conditioning (Decree No.74 of MOUHURD of PRC)

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2008-08-21 > All chapters

MOHURD: Announcement on Publication of Industry Standards: Regulations of Technology of Project on P

MOHURD: Announcement on Publication of Industry Standards: Regulations of Technology of Project on Plastic Door and Window (Decree No.73 of MOUHURD of PRC)

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2008-08-21 > All chapters

The PBC's released Monetary Policy Implementation Report (Quarter 2 of 2008)

The PBC's released Monetary Policy Implementation Report (Quarter 2 of 2008)

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