Government Updates

2009-10-26 > All chapters

Meetings Held in Beijing on the Issuance of

Meetings Held in Beijing on the Issuance of <2010 Chinese Pharmacopoeia >

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

SIPO Commissioner Met with President of EUCCC

SIPO Commissioner Met with President of EUCCC

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Expert Panel Set up by WTO DSB to Investigate EU-China Anti-dumping Case over Fasteners

MOFCOM: Expert Panel Set up by WTO DSB to Investigate EU-China Anti-dumping Case over Fasteners

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

MOC: China’s Aviation Operational Standards Adopted by ICAO for the First Time

MOC: China’s Aviation Operational Standards Adopted by ICAO for the First Time

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

MIIT: Special Planning to be Carried out, Aiming a the Overcapacity of Renewable Nonferrous Metals

MIIT: Special Planning to be Carried out, Aiming a the Overcapacity of Renewable Nonferrous Metals

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

NDRC: The 1st Asian Macroeconomic Forum Kicked off on Oct 22nd in Beijing

NDRC: The 1st Asian Macroeconomic Forum Kicked off on Oct 22nd in Beijing

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

SCLAO: Notice on the Implementation of the Rejuvanating Strategy for North-eastern Industrial Base

SCLAO: Notice on the Implementation of the Rejuvanating Strategy for North-eastern Industrial Base

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

SAIC: Notice on Promoting the Development of Individual and Private Businesses

SAIC: Notice on Promoting the Development of Individual and Private Businesses

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2009-10-26 > All chapters

MOC: Notice on the Repeal of 4 Standards in the Transport Industry

MOC: Notice on the Repeal of 4 Standards in the Transport Industry

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