Government Updates

2010-01-25 > All chapters

Establishment of the National Food Safety Standards Inspection and Evaluation Committee

The establishment of National Food Safety Standards Inspection and Evaluation Committee is announced in Beijing

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2010-01-25 > All chapters

Guidelines on the Establishment of Credibility System of Food Industry

Guidelines on the Establishment of Credibility System of Food Industry

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2010-01-25 > All chapters

Kick-off meeting of the National Import and Export Food Safety Expert Committee

Kick-off meeting of the National Import and Export Food Safety Expert Committee (AQSIQ) on 28th December, 2009.

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2010-01-22 > All chapters

Chinese firm gains greater access into auto safety and electronic systems market

Chinese firm gains greater access into auto safety and electronic systems market

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2010-01-22 > All chapters

Economists urge caution over production capacity

Economists urge caution over production capacity

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2010-01-22 > All chapters

MIIT: Meeting Held in Shanghai on Standards of Information Technology Services

MIIT: Meeting Held in Shanghai on Standards of Information Technology Services

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2010-01-22 > All chapters

SAIC: China has Registered and Initially Reviewed 771 Geographical Indications

SAIC: China has Registered and Initially Reviewed 771 Geographical Indications

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2010-01-22 > All chapters

State Council Meets on the Close-down of Backward Capacities in Certain Industries

State Council Meets on the Close-down of Backward Capacities in Certain Industries

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2010-01-22 > All chapters

State Council Targets at Establishing National Essential Drug System at 30% Primary Healthcare Insti

State Council Targets at Establishing National Essential Drug System at 30% Primary Healthcare Institutions by the end of Feb

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