Government Updates

2011-10-20 > All chapters

MOC: Further Standardization of Shippers’ Investment in Domestic Shipping Industry


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2011-10-20 > All chapters

MOF: Management Measures for Online Service Platform of Accounting Service Demonstration Bases


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2011-10-19 > Beijing

Aviation Newsletter Issue No. 16

Aviation Newsletter Issue No. 16

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2011-10-19 > Beijing

Rail Working Group Bi-weekly Newsletter-19th October 2011

Rail Working Group Bi-weekly Newsletter-19th October 2011

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2011-10-19 > Beijing

Marketing and Communication Forum Bi-weekly Newsletter-18th October

Marketing and Communication Forum Bi-weekly Newsletter-18th October

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2011-10-18 > All chapters

CQC: New Authentication Techniques of CNCA/CTS 0004-2009A Gid-connected Inverter for Solar Power

CNCA/CTS 0004-2009A《并网光伏发电专用逆变器认证技术条件》已于2011年8月22日发布,将于2012年3月1日起实施,依据CNCA标准换版的有关规定,现将并网光伏发电专用逆变器CQC金太阳认证执行CNCA/CTS 0004-2009A有关要求明确如下:

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2011-10-18 > All chapters

MEP: Discharge of Pollutants during the First Half of 2011


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2011-10-18 > All chapters

CBRC: Call for Comments on Management Measures of Commercial Banks Liquidity Risks


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2011-10-18 > All chapters

SCLAO: Call for Comments on 2011 List of Easily Made and Explosive Chemicals from MPSCFC


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