Government Updates

2011-09-15 > All chapters

SAC: Issue Industry Standards on LED Spotlight and Tube Light


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2011-09-15 > All chapters

MIIT: Economic Conditions for China's Automobile Industry from Jan to Aug, 2011


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2011-09-15 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on Indoor Decorating and Refurbishing Materials-Limit of Harmful Substances

由全国家具标准化技术委员会归口的《室内装饰装修材料 木家具中有害物质限量》、《家具中挥发性有机化合物的测定》及《家具中挥发性有机化合物检测用气候舱》3项国家标准现已形成征求意见稿,请各有关单位组织审阅,并于2011年10月4日前返回具体的修改意见。

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2011-09-15 > All chapters

SFDA: Call for Comments on Management Guideline on Supervision and Quantitative Grading for Food


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2011-09-13 > Beijing, Shanghai

Cosmetics Newsletter 24th August, 2011 – 12th September, 2011

Cosmetics Newsletter 24th August, 2011 – 12th September, 2011

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2011-09-13 > Beijing

Marketing and Communication Forum Bi-weekly Newsletter-9th September

Marketing and Communication Forum Bi-weekly Newsletter-9th September

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2011-09-13 > Beijing

Insurance Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter- 9th September

Insurance Working Group Bi-Weekly Newsletter - 9th September

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2011-09-08 > All chapters

MOFCOM, NDRC, etc: Issue Industry Guide on Foreign Investment by Nation (2011)


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2011-09-08 > All chapters

CIRC: Issue Interim Procedure on Insurance Company Insurance Business Transfer


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